Hey, cool!
And that's Texas-based Bobby "Luke" Lucroy in his RV-8A on page 42. Go Falcon Flight! :cool:
You sold the 8! Like you say on the video where you announced it, those who know you well are shocked, just shocked:rolleyes: Too bad it didn't work out to get your paint and get back to OSH; after listening to the judges in 2016 outlining the minuscule things that separated your 6 from being a Grand Champion (as opposed to the Bronze Lindy it did win), I have no doubt you would have come home with the big prize this time. My plane has never been as invisible as it was sitting next to that machine in HBC! Good luck with the 4 project.
Nice article...except.....

Never heard of anyone building an RV from “plans only”...
I’m pretty sure that currently, ALL the kits come “pre-drilled”..
When he spoke of 49% kits, I think he meant the Quickbuild” kits, which come with most of the airframe components built for you.....

He states that he does his own annual inspections , “which is legal for
homebuilts”! Unless he is the builder/ manufacturer of the plane, it is not legal.
( The author stated earlier that he “purchased the RV)....
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Never heard of anyone building an RV from “plans only”...
I’m pretty sure ALL the kits come “pre-drilled”..
When he spoke of 49% kits, I think he meant the Quickbuild” kits, which come with most of the airframe components built for you.....

He states that he does his own annual inspections , “which is legal for
homebuilts”! Unless he is the builder/ manufacturer of the plane, it is not legal.
( The author stated earlier that he “purchased the RV)....

The plans for the RV-3, 4, and 6 contained the information and details that allowed people to scratch build if the chose to. A few 4's and 6's were built that way and all of the very early 3's were, because when Van started the company, it was selling plans and some of the difficult to make parts (like cowling, wing tips, etc.) for the RV-3.

It is entirely possible for a non-builder owner to do their won "condition" inspection if they are a licensed A&P mechanic (in the U.S. anyway, not sure what the rules are in Canada).
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Never heard of anyone building an RV from “plans only”...
I’m pretty sure ALL the kits come “pre-drilled”..

You must have come to the game late. When I built my first 2 RV-6s in the 1989-1993 time frame, the kits came with "no holes". Not even lightening holes.

Pre-punched kits came later.
You must have come to the game late. When I built my first 2 RV-6s in the 1989-1993 time frame, the kits came with "no holes". Not even lightening holes.

Pre-punched kits came later.

Yes Mel, I am aware of that........I also built an RV in the nineties. My comment was referring to kits as currently produced. 😉
Sorry, did not realize the author lived in Canada. My bad!

It's a Canadian magazine, eh... :)

In Canada the owner of the Amateur-Built Aircraft (we don't have homebuilts in Canada) can perform all maintenance and sign off the annual inspection. It's not required, some who buy a completed Amateur-Built take it to a mechanic for its annual inspection.
It's a Canadian magazine, eh... :)

In Canada the owner of the Amateur-Built Aircraft (we don't have homebuilts in Canada) can perform all maintenance and sign off the annual inspection. It's not required, some who buy a completed Amateur-Built take it to a mechanic for its annual inspection.

They are officially "Amateur-Built" in the US as well, Homebuilt is just a slang term.