
Active Member
This weekend marks six months since Iron and Louise finished my panel upgrade (http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=24139&highlight=Mikey) and Louise suggested that I make a report on how things have gone.

It?s been a relatively slow and confusing six months with only 36 hours of flight. Louise has had me back-and-forth between Texas and Virginia a couple of times and she says I?ll make a permanent move to our new hangar at Polly Ranch, Texas, near the end of this month. Then, she promises that the flying will pick up.

The new accessories have served me well, once the initial issues were resolved, until two weeks ago. On the most recent flight from Texas to Virginia, the altitude hold in the TruTrak Pilot II quit working. But, otherwise, everything has been humming. (I don?t really like that autopilot much, anyway. I have a lot more fun weaving, climbing, and diving when she hand flies me.)

The great engine instruments in the Dynon 180 have really been nice. Louise always paid attention to leaning me out at altitude, but I?ve noticed that she is doing a much better job with the Dynon guidance. I feel a better in cruise and I don?t burn through as much fuel now. I also notice that she is doing a better job of ensuring that I don?t get too hot. Yesterday was a scorcher, for example, and she always seemed to know when I started to get uncomfortable during our slow flight practice.

All and all, I have to give the panel upgrade a big ?flap? up.
From the pilot?s point of view

I continue to be extremely pleased with the panel and other changes. No regrets and I wouldn?t have changed anything. Here?s a summary of my thoughts on the major changes:

1. Garmin 396 ? I added this item before the upgrade but I think it is the single most valued piece of equipment in my plane. I really wouldn?t want to fly in the D.C. area without it, especially at RV speeds.
2. TruTrak Pilot II ? The autopilot wasn?t likely to make my cut, but Paul pushed for it and I?m very pleased to have it. In this time of escalating fuel prices, flying a straight and level line on the long cross-country flights has probably saved a lot of money. I also like it a lot for ensure that I don?t deviate into the ADIZ and other restricted airspace around here and for staying under the Class B layers around Houston. I just point Mikey in a ?safe? direction or at a ?safe? elevation, punch the button, and let it hold my vector until I clear the space. It integrates so nicely with the 396. I am disappointed with the failed autopilot pitch servo, but I know that TruTrak will make good on it in a timely manner. It goes off to them today.
3. Dynon 180 (and the previously installed, 10A) ? Love it! Everything about the system has pleased me. Linked into the Garmin 396, the system is as capable as I want. GRT may offer more, but I?m not looking for anything more right now. It has performed flawlessly over the last six months.
? Bell Tailwheel ? I can?t say that I notice any difference. But, I feel more confident when I have gone in and out of grass strips. It certainly looks nice, and isn?t that half the reason we buy accessories?
? Annunciator lights ? Love them. They sure help me remember to turn off the fuel pump and lights after take-off. Great position for them and plenty bright enough.
? Aux battery ? I really appreciate the auxiliary battery that we installed. I now confidently get the radios, GPS, and Dynons set up before wasting fuel. And, I can mess around with the panel instruments or show them off on the ground without fearing that I might drain the main battery. Very cheap addition, and a very nice feature.
? 2nd radio and audio panel ? Nice and reassuring to have, but I can?t say that they have impacted my flying much yet. It is nice to now be able to listen to music occasionally.
? General panel lay-out ? I wouldn?t change a thing! While Paul and I worked together on the design, no one would be surprised to know that the process mostly consisted of me exploring possibilities and Paul gently guiding me towards seeing the wisdom of his vision for the panel (i.e., helping me understand why my ideas often didn?t make the most sense?.he just has so much more experience to tap). I?m glad I took his advice as I think the panel is perfect for Mikey and my missions. Of course, the discussion about adding a map box on the right still isn?t closed. ;)
Map Boxes.....

Just to let people know that I am not TOTALLY closed-minded, I even showed Louise the old map box that I removed from my Grumman years ago. I ran across it in the hangar move, and could have just thrown it out, but you never know when it might get re-used (or serve as a pattern) in the interest of domestic harmony....;)

Grumman and Vans map boxes

Just to let people know that I am not TOTALLY closed-minded, I even showed Louise the old map box that I removed from my Grumman years ago. I ran across it in the hangar move, and could have just thrown it out, but you never know when it might get re-used (or serve as a pattern) in the interest of domestic harmony....;)


...except that some of the Grumman guys are buying Vans map boxes as replacements....:)

The Grumman item is actually stapled to-gether....:eek: ...and seems to be the size of the Vans one...

Scrap the Grumman one and buy a new Vans pre-punched one. However, the formed plastic Grumman map box lid looks infinitely better than Vans flat piece of metal - save that part.

gil A