
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
So here I am at Gate C-48 in Denver, waiting to board SWA for Dallas and Houston. Total predicted travel time is 4:20 (with a 30 minute sprint plane change in Dallas). A quick run of Weathermeister shows a total flight time from Denver to Houston in the RV-8 to be 4:11 if I climbed up to altitude....sigh....and of course, I would have been airborne about an hour and a half ago if I'd been flying myself!

Then again, to be fair, I don't think I'd have fit all my ski gear into the Val for the week up in the mountains, and I'd have hated to leave it outside or pay for a hangar for the I guess that once in awhile, we all "get on the bus..."

Maybe I'll get home in time for some Acro before sunset - Super Bowl? What's that?!:rolleyes:

Super Bowl? What's that?!:rolleyes:
Never heard of it. I was hoping the weather guy was wrong, but it's blowing 45 knots here in the SoCal desert (again). No flying for me today.

I think it's been a month since I've had the plane out. Grrrrrr.

KDEN? :cool:
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looking at

a Five hour drive ver the snow packed cascade montians this afternoon...Total flight time would have been 35 minutes,....DOH!

IFR,freezing levels and big rocks don't mix well with an RV.

Yeah....KDEN...I hate it when I think one thing and type something else... At least it wasn't on an FMS!

No wifi on board - now on a BB at Dallas...

Yeah....KDEN...I hate it when I think one thing and type something else... At least it wasn't on an FMS!

No wifi on board - now on a BB at Dallas...

KDEN was actually known as KDIA when it was under construction and before Stapleton closed. Wonder if the database would still know what KDIA was....

>>predicted travel time is 4:20<<

I'm too lazy to look it up, but I think you're penalizing the red bellied warbird boys with an hour of time zone change. Although I did recently log an hour from push to takeoff getting de-iced at Denver.
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Blame me

KDEN was actually known as KDIA when it was under construction and before Stapleton closed. Wonder if the database would still know what KDIA was....


I lived in the Front Range when the airport opened and I'm pretty sure it opened as KDIA. Stapleton (DEN) was still taking some maintenance flights at that time, if I remember right. I hadn't realized that it ever changed and referred to it as DIA during our week in Colorado.

Local, non-pilots still call it DIA and a quick search of the web shows that many sites refer to it as DIA. Anyone know when it changed?

Oh, and Airnav, at least, does NOT recognized KDIA.

I didn't understand a lot of this conversation because I thought it was still DIA also. I found several places on the internet (thank you Al) that said the change occurred when the old Stapleton closed down, which was in 1995.

Amazing what you learn on this RV site.
>>predicted travel time is 4:20<<

I'm too lazy to look it up, but I think you're penalizing the red bellied warbird boys with an hour of time zone change. Although I did recently log an hour from push to takeoff getting de-iced at Denver.

Well, they actually penalized themselves with the stop in Amarillo....and the plane change in Dallas....and then a couple turns in holding north of Houston (OK, that's definitely NOT their fault!) on the way in....

BTW, I actually put SWA at the top of my list as a backup mode of transportation - I fequently make a reservation for a trip that I REALLY need to make, planning to fly myself, but having the SWA ticket as a solid backup. Cancel it and bank the credit when the weather cooperates. Makes it a whole lot easier to make a "NO GO" decision when the weather is marginal!

BTW, I actually put SWA at the top of my list as a backup mode of transportation - I fequently make a reservation for a trip that I REALLY need to make, planning to fly myself, but having the SWA ticket as a solid backup. Cancel it and bank the credit when the weather cooperates. Makes it a whole lot easier to make a "NO GO" decision when the weather is marginal!

SWA is excellent for these reasons. However, I do not use them when I am ferrying the airplane to Montana because they don't go anywhere close to where we need to go. So it's Great Lakes to DEN and either UA of F9 home.

I really like how SWA treats its pax with respect to no change fee.

I lived in the Front Range when the airport opened and I'm pretty sure it opened as KDIA. Stapleton (DEN) was still taking some maintenance flights at that time, if I remember right. I hadn't realized that it ever changed and referred to it as DIA during our week in Colorado.

Local, non-pilots still call it DIA and a quick search of the web shows that many sites refer to it as DIA. Anyone know when it changed?

Oh, and Airnav, at least, does NOT recognized KDIA.

Now, DIA is non-flyer shorthand for Denver International Airport. The ICAO ident has been KDEN since 1995.
airport identifiers

Now, DIA is non-flyer shorthand for Denver International Airport. The ICAO ident has been KDEN since 1995.

yeah, it used to really stick in my craw that locally here the news media always refers to kaus as abia (austin-bergstrom international airport.) 'course i was already pissed because they closed mueller and executive the same month. i guess i've sort of gotten over it now.