I wonder if this happens at the same time Doug skips out of work and sneaks off to 52F? What a life?
Come to think of it this may be due to so many of us sneaking around at work and surfing the site. I know I'm guilty.
I'm researching the slowness.

When I'm at the 'day job' access takes longer because our company has several hundred people on the web at one time.

I always start with www.internethealthreport.com to see if the some part of the web is slow. Then I 'Start' 'Run' 'CMD' and enter the following at the command prompt:

tracert www.vansairforce.com

If it takes awhile on those first couple of hops I know it's not the server, but instead something at my day job's network.

Of course, it could be something on the VAF server end, but I try to rule out everything else first. Four times out of five it's not the VAF server but something in between.

Ugh. Technology.


PS: I'll email the ISP and see if they have been monkeying with stuff.
Latency Issues

I'm on 10mps fiber with a T1 backup. Often the forums are sluggish with occasional timeouts. The main site is normally responsive. Today has been worse than normal. I monitor the site at least hourly during the workday. (Have to know the condition of my network :)
Why it's been slow (good news, though)

Heard back from the ISP. The server that the static site (everything but the forums) is on moved to the new ISP location a couple weeks ago.

The server that the forums are on is still at the old site and is scheduled to be moved this weekend. From my ISP, "Bandwidth has been running pretty high at the old location for the last few days. There isn?t much we can do about it though because Sprint will not fully troubleshoot connections that are moving in a few days."

Good news is after this weekend it should be much faster (and with redundant paths to the web and with redundant backup power). Expect some hiccups and give it a week or so. It'll get faster.

Thanks as always!
