
Well Known Member
Does anyone know about flight simulation software that behaves somewhat like an RV?

I have had limited experience with "On Top" and "X-Plane", in particular with shooting approaches and other IFR procedures. I found them both rather unstable and hard to use. The only satisfactory simulator that I have used is the ATC series, based on analog technology, and these units are no longer available.

Thanks and best regards,

woodsideraff said:
Does anyone know about flight simulation software that behaves somewhat like an RV?

I have had limited experience with "On Top" and "X-Plane", in particular with shooting approaches and other IFR procedures. I found them both rather unstable and hard to use. The only satisfactory simulator that I have used is the ATC series, based on analog technology, and these units are no longer available.

Thanks and best regards,


The best I've found, after too many years of flight sims, is either Microsoft's FS9 or FSX using the RealAir Simulations Marchetti SF260.

It's behavior is much like an RV stability wise, and has extremely smooth (X-Plane-fluid) instruments for IFR work; as well as the sliding canopy.

I prefer this plane in FSX, but FSX doesn't have the headroom for addons that FS9 does, without taking a frame rate hit.


edit: nothing to do with the Marchetti, but check out this simulation video for FSX...........if your bored or need a rest from building planes... :D
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