Well Known Member
I'm sure this tip has been brought up before by builders smarter than me, but I haven't seen it.
Besides being a pilot and RV9A builder, we also have several cars that we race. The easiest way to align the wheels is to build a box around the car using trammel bars and string.
So it was simple to come up with a way a very easy way to set the alignment of the flap on the RV9. I'm not sure how this is done on other models, but plans call for a long strip of marked wood to be aligned with some fabrication holes in the outside rib, then lined up with the flap trailing edge.
What we did was to make a small loop in a heavy piece of string, and using a gold colored cleco, attach the string to the front hole in the rib. Pull string tight, and eyeball the string in the center of the other hole. Keep adjusting pushrod until holes and flap trailing edge line up!!

Very easy and simple. Making the loop in the string should take no more the 15 seconds, and no more than another 15 seconds to attach the string and cleco to the rib.
Hope this is of some help.