
What is the correct action of the the Silverhawk EX FI servo throttle lever? Should it be smooth (like the mixture action) or notched? If it should be smooth, what would a notched action indicate.

Best regards,

Andrew Butler
RV7 EI-EEO 50hours (first annual)
Galway, Ireland.
It should be smooth. If it isn't smooth disconnect the turn buckle idle mixture adjustment on one end and see which shaft is causing the issue.
Good Luck,
"The opinions and information provided in this and all of my posts are hopefully helpful to you. Please use the information provided responsibly and at your own risk."
Disconnect throttle cable

To piggyback on what Guys saying, disconnect throttle cable rod end from SilverHawk throttle lever and then move throttle lever on the fuel servo by hand. If the notched feeling is gone, then the interference is in the push-pull cable. If it is still apparent after disconnecting the cable from the SilverHawk servo lever, then do as Mahlon says above. That little turn-buckle thingy he described is how you set your "idle" mixture. It should be as smooth as silk.

I had my mixture cable go bad like that due heat distress from an exhaust pipe to close down there. New cable and some more heat shields fixed it right up.

Good luck and keep us posted.

Jeff Liebman
RV-8 N139JL
365TT on the Hobbs
Superior IO-360 with SilverHawk EX Injection
Airglades Airport, FL
To piggyback on what Guys saying, disconnect throttle cable rod end from SilverHawk throttle lever and then move throttle lever on the fuel servo by hand. If the notched feeling is gone, then the interference is in the push-pull cable. If it is still apparent after disconnecting the cable from the SilverHawk servo lever, then do as Mahlon says above. That little turn-buckle thingy he described is how you set your "idle" mixture. It should be as smooth as silk.

I had my mixture cable go bad like that due heat distress from an exhaust pipe to close down there. New cable and some more heat shields fixed it right up.

Good luck and keep us posted.

Jeff Liebman
RV-8 N139JL
365TT on the Hobbs
Superior IO-360 with SilverHawk EX Injection
Airglades Airport, FL

Getting very close to first engine start...I don't quite get how the little "turnbuckle thingy" is supposed to work, nor what I should do with it. It hasn't been changed since it came from the factory, but what should I be looking for and how should I adjust it if necessary?

