
Well Known Member
Sika'd the windshield on my slider canopy.

I know that I have to make up a fiberglass (or aluminum) transition from the windshield to the canopy.

Question is- do I need to go through laying up fiberglass over the windshield/front top skin or is the Sika sufficient?

Tom H.
The aluminum or fiberglass will look much more finished. I do not believe that the Sitka will be able to be prepped to a point that it will provide a surface for painting that will look as good as the fiberglass or aluminum will.
The aluminum or fiberglass will look much more finished. I do not believe that the Sitka will be able to be prepped to a point that it will provide a surface for painting that will look as good as the fiberglass or aluminum will.

This is accurate - I looked at doing the same thing but decided there was no way that Sika could be finished to the same level of detail.
100% concur, Sika bonds the windshield very well to the roll bar and airframe, but you really need to put a layer of glass or carbon fiber over it for finishing purposes. I also found certain paints and fillers will not cure when applied over Sika. I used West Systems Epoxy and many layers of C-F over the Sika with no curing issues. Paint over the C-F cured just fine.
I firmly believe that Sika would hold the landing gear on (if properly applied).
See, I actually read your entire post :D.
I didn't put a transition cover over the windshield. Sika holds it in place to Vne. I don't think it's needed, as it would be with traditional fastening.
I think the hoop across the top of the windshield has to be a drag bucket with all that accelerated airflow around the windshield.
I'm thinking about making a transition fairing along the fuselage only, overlapping the canopy skirts and fairing the windshield / fuselage joint. That should hold the slider from rattling and look good around the front. The thin join line of the canopy to windshield at the roll bar looks great without the cover.
Very timely post for me as well. I Sikaflexed my slider canopy and used West Systems 410 Fairing filler on the front and sides of the windscreen with the idea of adding glass on top of that. After a little sanding, I question the need for the glass as well. The fairing filler is certainly not structural, but with the Sikaflex, it doesn't need to be. Does someone have a sound reason this will not work?