
Well Known Member
I have a question for those of you who have used Sikaflex on a slider canopy.

How exactly did you bond the lower horizontal edge of the canopy to the square fore-aft side tubes of the canopy frame?

Did you use a single-side triangular fillet on the inside with nothing attaching the plexi to the canopy skirt? Or, did you sandwich the plexi between the outside and inside canopy skirts per the plans and just substitute sika for the specified AN507 screws? Or did you do something else?

I'm about to do mine and I'm clear on how to bond along the front and side bows and the top, but I'm not sure of what's best along the sides.

I'd appreciate any insight from anyone who's already done this. We're also going to be at Oshkosh and would be happy to see anyone's sika bonded canopy & talk about it if you're going to be there.

I sandwiched it the middle and used no screws. Looks very clean. Only have 6.0 hours on her so can't speak to longevity. I can send pix inside & out on a pm if U'd like.
I did the triangular filet on the inside and skipped the associated joggled strip (C-759) of aluminium but went with the plans for the rest. I also went with fiberglass for the aft skirt, which turned out well.



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I'm inclined to make fiberglas rear skirts too.

I used the metal skirts that came with the kit and taped them on the aft fuse, then covered them with packing tape coated with wax. Minimal gap but I do have some air coming in around the track area that I may need to address in colder weather.

The C-792 (doghouse) fairing was roughed with sandpaper and molded into the fiberglass to provide shape and clearance of the track.

I bonded fiberglass/carbon fiber all the way around. I am not flying yet but I am very pleased with how it turned out. Check out the canopy section of my Kitlog website.


I bonded fiberglass/carbon fiber all the way around. I am not flying yet but I am very pleased with how it turned out. Check out the canopy section of my Kitlog website.


Thanks much! your website is very helpful. One question about how you attached your fiberglass/carbon skirts. It looks like you laid them up in place with release agents, then took them off to finish, then epoxy'ed them back on for good. Is that right?

I'm curious why you didn't just bond them directly to the plexiglass on initial lay-up? As I understand it, West System epoxy resin will adhere directly to roughed-up plexiglass. Is there something I'm missing that seemed to you to make that a bad idea?

I laid the fibreglass up on duct tape for the rear skirt as my skills are not that great. I was able to pop it of and trim it away from that very fragile plexi. Not sure how to finish an edge on a lay up directly on to plex.
Side Skirts

I am confused about the connection of the canopy at the side rails. I cut my canopy sides at about 1/4" above the side rails and I am assuming that they will be glued into the skirt apparatus . After reading the above, I am not sure that this is correct. Does anyone have some detailed photos of this process?

Maybe 1/4" wasn't enough?
I am confused about the connection of the canopy at the side rails. I cut my canopy sides at about 1/4" above the side rails and I am assuming that they will be glued into the skirt apparatus . After reading the above, I am not sure that this is correct. Does anyone have some detailed photos of this process?

Maybe 1/4" wasn't enough?

I cut mine flush with the side rails and applied a bead of Sika on the inside to bond it in place. You should have no problem doing the same and filling the 1/4" gap with Sika. If you want to bond everything together with Sika (I did not), there are some builder blogs/sites that would help. I have links to a couple, if interested and also compiled photos and tips from them into a Word doc and PDF, along with my own input.
Sika sides

I cut mine 1/8" above the side rails to allow a little space for Sika so canopy bottom edge could be bonded into the assembly. Also have a large triangular fillet on the inside. 1/4" gap is plenty. I would not cut it any higher.

Don Broussard
RV9 Rebuild in Progress
57 Pacer
AJ, your build log is awesome. Wish I'd documented mine that well.

There was once a nice thread on the forum with pix that are now long gone, including some nice graphics on how to bond the canopy to the side rails while deleting the inner joggled aluminum piece. I followed that advice, then laid up a carbon/glass canopy skirt (the whole thing, sides and back) which I finished off the plane. Then attached to the canopy with Sika and pulled rivets along the sides. 9 years later holding up nicely. The great thing about laying up the aft skirt in glass, carbon or what ever is you can get a perfect fit.

A few of my pix here:

Worth noting is that the Sika primer doesn't just improve bond strength for the Sikaflex. It also greatly improves bond strength when using epoxy, such as bonding the fiberglass trim to the windshield over the roll bar. Years ago I created a bunch of test coupons with pieces of acrylic and fiberglass/epoxy. All the glass/epoxy samples bonded to windshield acrylic without primer pulled off easily, despite several types of prep. The samples I laid up using Sika primer were indestructible. Wish I had photos to share but those are sadly long gone also :(