TS Flightlines

Well Known Member
today in the life of TS Flightlines.
Finally heard back from the FAA about my 3rd class. YESSSSSSS!
I want to thank all of you that offered words of encouragement the past 6 months. I means alot.

Guess there are no more excuses for not working on my 7.

Way to go Tom, really glad to hear it! Go get that 7 done! I'm hoping to restart my build in October!
Way to go!!

Tom how awesome! Great news indeed, I remember what it was like when I was granted my first one as well, I know how your feeling. Time to build!
A big thank you to all!!

I'm actually in the last segment before solo :eek:. Had to wait on the FAA before being turned loose. I'm sure someone will advise to put out a Notam to stay well clear of the area when that happens:D (Going to write down the Alan Shepard prayer, but obviously NOT broadcast it.)

In all seriousness, this dream has ridden in the backseat for too long. Business comes first. Thought having a plane was just for wealthy guys that didnt want to be bothered by airlines. I was wrong. Its almost a necessity for business. Well that too, but that was the major reason for doing it.

All of you have said the struggle was worth it. Honestly, at times I actually questioned that, but I figured that all of you couldnt be wrong. So, I'll keep plugging away.

So a big thank you to all that have contacted us over the years by phone, email, tapping me on the shoulder at Oshkosh, or telepathy. Its hard to phrase it, but helping all of you pursue your dreams has helped me pursue mine. Many of you are words on an email, a voice on the phone, especially those living internationally. BUT, some of you that I've gotten to know have become very good friends. THAT means more than just a business transaction.

Thanks to you all!

Tom and Suzanne

If you give up sleep for the next six months, you should be able to fly your RV-7 to OSH next year! :eek:

Congrats Tom...one step at a time.
Hopefully you can put yourself first, at least a little bit, instead of the right this minute customer service you give out so freely now.
Happy customer here!
Way to go Tom! You sound relieved and newly motivated. Its all worth it, in the end:D

Greg Novotny
RV-14a N14ZP
Phase 1 complete
Repairman's certificate issued
Happy as **** to be somewhat "done"
Gig Harbor, WA

Tom...just now getting to know you a little on then phone with business transactions and tons of my questions. Couldn't be happier for you!

Another question...who ya gonna use to make brake and fuel lines for your 7? HAHA!:)
All these attaboys for Tom are fine and dandy but have a thought for the rest of us at Ridgeland Airport and all the new questions we're going to have to answer now that Tom is back on track with his training. Tom isn't exactly shy about asking about every little detail of flying technique (and everything else flying related) including some stuff that Dennis and I (his favorite targets) have never even heard of! ;>)

Kidding aside, congratulations Tom! Now, if we can just hold him down to 1-2 deep discussions per day, maybe we will be able to find the time to fly our own airplanes!
