So we didn't earn it like the rest of you guys (it's a factory-built RV-12), but we are really excited to fly a Signature RV-12 home this week. N237VA will be the 2014 Sporty's Sweepstakes airplane.
[ed. Congrats to Sporty's and welcome John as a VAF forum poster (Sporty's ad goes live Monday.) Thank you for supporting this site! dr]


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A little breezy and hot through Wyoming (DA 10,000+), but stunning views. I'll share some photos and video in a day or two.
Welcome to VAF!

John, welcome aboard the good ship VAF:D

Good to have you here.

Dont fly that thing too much before you give it away-------you will have major withdrawal issues after it is gone, may have to build one for yourself.
I'm glad to hear that my new airplane flies well. Please make sure no one spills anything on the seats before I win it, willya? And keep it waxed, please.

I was just interested in your opinion of the 12, as you are presumably a normal sane person, not a rusted on RV wonk like most of us.
The visibility from the 12 with its seating position so far forward compared to the wing leading edge seems to be an unusual feature but I would like to hear your impressions of the aircraft overall.
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Visibility is spectacular - in all directions. The airplane also did really well in the wind. There were some pretty good crosswinds in Wyoming, and it was solid.

We will take care of everyone's airplane for the next year. Looking forward to giving it away. The RV-10 has always been my dream RV, but this 12 is growing on me.