
Well Known Member
I’m now proficient driving 470 rivets attaching the wing ribs to the spar, but the learning curve was painful.

I needed to drill one rivet out and accidentally enlarged the hole both in the spar and rib.

Ken at Vans said to drill a new hole and add a rivet and then put pop rivet in the original hole.

I decided to add a backing plate on the back of the rib to give the pop rivet a tight hole to grip but now I wonder if that was the right decision.

Should I keep this or drill out all the rivets and get a new rib.

Someday I hope to be able to answer some questions instead of just ask them.


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thats ok, its on the web and not the thick stiffners. one rivet is just fine. from what ive read these just keep the rib from buckling all ther strength is in the skins. if wrong someone please correct me.
Once all the skins are on I bet the torsion, shear, and axial load on the subject rivet is very close to . . . . . zero.

........ from what ive read these just keep the rib from buckling all ther strength is in the skins. if wrong someone please correct me.

The skin provides the lift and that is transferred to the ribs which in turn transfer it to the spars.....not to pick nits but the monocoque structure as a whole, lifts the airplane.
