Bill Riggs

Active Member
I have lost about half the sidetone from my KX155 when I transmit with the push to talk switch from the left control stick if I use the right control stick push to talk with the headset mic still plugged into the same left jack sidetone is normal. Any ideas ??? I have not tried anything other than the right push to talk, next time I fly I am going to try a portable push to talk sw.
I am thinking it must be something in the sw.


Does it still transmit correctly (how does it sound on the other end?) It almost sounds like you mic high on the left side is coming in contact with the PTT sense, and when you hit the switch, both are grounding. Just a guess...
Does it still transmit correctly (how does it sound on the other end?) It almost sounds like you mic high on the left side is coming in contact with the PTT sense, and when you hit the switch, both are grounding. Just a guess...

It sounds fine on the other end, transmission quality is 5x5. I am going to try a plug in push to talk or maybe a plug in mic. to see if the problem goes away if it does then it sounds reasonable there is something wrong in the PTT sw.
I did some investigation into the reduced volume sidetone yesterday.
I have four PTT buttons two on the left and two on the copilots side one each on the panel and on the sticks.
If I use either button on the left side with the no. one radio (KX155) sidetone is reduced by about 50%
If I use either button on the copilots side with the no. one radio sidetone is normal 100%
If I use any of the four buttons with the no. 2 radio (Icom 200) sidetone is normal loud and clear.

Any Ideas ????


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photo of PTT

Bill, I think this is the one.
Anybody know why it has 4 tangs to connect wires to on a PTT switch?
Bill, I know this sounds obvious but it caught me off gaurd once when doing my initial testing. You only get sidetone in the headset you are actually transmitting through. So with everything plugged in the left side and with the left headset on,..... if you reach over an hit the right button, you still get a transmit light on the radio (even with no right headset plugged in) but you hear nothing in the left set. It sounds like there is no sidetone because there isn't and shouldn't be.

Sorry if I assume too much but thought I would just throw it out there anyway. Sometimes obvious is oblivious ;-) so I'm just sharing my momentary brain fart.

Bill S
7a finishing
Bill, I know this sounds obvious but it caught me off gaurd once when doing my initial testing. You only get sidetone in the headset you are actually transmitting through. So with everything plugged in the left side and with the left headset on,..... if you reach over an hit the right button, you still get a transmit light on the radio (even with no right headset plugged in) but you hear nothing in the left set. It sounds like there is no sidetone because there isn't and shouldn't be.

Sorry if I assume too much but thought I would just throw it out there anyway. Sometimes obvious is oblivious ;-) so I'm just sharing my momentary brain fart.

Bill S
7a finishing

OOps sorry, missed the part about already flying :rolleyes: must have worked correctly before so now it's something new. I knew no one else would have done that but me :eek:

Bill S