
Well Known Member
I'm going to need some RV transition training - Any trainers in the Northeast? And I'm thinking that training in a side by side RV is useful for getting to know how to fly the RV's. Once up in the air, I'm told they behave similarly.

I'm buying an RV-8 and it's tandem. Anyone have any experience with insurance companies accepting transition training in a side by side?

What about tail wheel vs trike? I have 90 hours in super decathlons and I'm wondering how acceptable nosegear transition training would be?

I'm looking for a transition trainer here in the Northeast.

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My insurance company accepted my transition time with Mike Seager in his RV-7, I got 7 hours and I found it a rewarding experience. My total tail time before that was 16 hours in a Citabria, after the training with Mike I found out how effective that big rudder was on the RV-7 and it took a few hours to not over control due to it.

I came back feeling extremely confident and had a great first solo on my purchased RV-8.
I had 350 hours in my 46 Taylorcraft which I got my TW endorsement in while building my -4. Did 3 take-offs and landings from right seat with a friend in his -6 about 2 months before making my first flight in my -4 (its first flight also) problem. Pattern speed and such will be your biggest adjustment from the Decathalon .
If you can learn to land a tailwheel RV6 smoothly, the rest of the Vans RV tailwheel models will be a piece of cake.