
Well Known Member
Walking around at various flyins I've noticed many 6's, 7's or 9's that don't have the seat back brace into either of the slots. At first I figured, "hey they're at a flying, so they must have grabbed something out of the baggage area." Looking closer I could see that many had been that way awhile due to the paint being warn off where the seatbacks hit. On the planes I've looked at I would have to say there are more like this than not.

Now that my canopy is installed I'm thinking my seat could stand to be back a little too. I'm 6'2" and although my head doesn't rub anywhere there sure isn't much clearance.

I'm thinking of making a new shorter seat back brace when I have nothing better to do.

For those flying with your seat out of your slot, is it a headroom thing or a comfort thing?

I have Classic Aero Sportman seats with no boosters.
Its a comfort thing for me. I would lean it back even further if there was a way to do it. Just dont like being that upright - my lower back tends to tight up. I have a strip of thin foam on the back of the seat now so I dont get the metal on metal contact. Took the brace on the hinge completely out as it serves no purpose for me

Hello Jeff

I don't think that the extra couple of inches of forward tilt would move your head closer to the canopy. At least not enough the measure. I like mine back without the brace because I will be less 'folded' in the middle. Yes I have a little extra middle that doesn't like to be folded.:eek:

I have the classic aero aviator seat with the headrest. I don't rest my head on them, but my wife does.


I did it for comfort also. Seat back brace is not installed. I bought some clear plastic corner guard at the aviation isle in home depot and put it across the rear brace for the seat back to rest against.
If I had to do it over, I would never go through the effort to build the brace. My seatback is in the middle position and the tilt is perfect without the brace. I pulled the hinge and removed it before flying phase I. It just seemed more comfortable and roomy without it.
If I had to do it over, I would never go through the effort to build the brace. My seatback is in the middle position and the tilt is perfect without the brace. I pulled the hinge and removed it before flying phase I. It just seemed more comfortable and roomy without it.

And I use the front position for a bit more tilt, with no brace.

L.Adamson -- RV6A
I put a layer of UHMW tape all the way across the seat back bulkhead and on top of it as well to prevent damage from the seats when this brace is not put in the slots.

You can hardly tell it is there.
seat back

Its a comfort thing. I'm 5-11 with 32" inseam. I use the Classic Sportsman seats. The seat bottom is in the aft hinge row. The rudder pedals are in the most forward position (3" from the fw). I also put a strip of UHMW tape along the bulkhead top/fwd corner. I tried all seatback combinations and that's what works for me.
