
Well Known Member
The next shuttle launch is now scheduled for May 31. This just happens to fall at the beginning of a week of vacation for me. I'd like to fly down to Florida to witness the launch with my son and then hang for a few days playing golf.

I'd appreciate ideas from those who have done this before on where to fly in to and where to stay to get a good view of the launch. I think I can find the appropriate golf locations, but I'm not sure where to go to see the big blastoff.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
My favorite airport for shuttle launches is Merritt Island. The are at least two courses within ten minutes of the airport. I believe one is Turtle Creek and the other is a county course. The are a bunch of hotels along A1A that have ocean views but my guess is that they are booking up quickly. I might be flying down or driving I don't know yet.
I landed at Titusville

I think it is called Spaceport ... They have rental cars. Drive north to the crossing highway turn east and drive to the visitor's center (on the right). You can probably go to Kennedy Space Center on the internet (maybe through www.nasa.gov) and set everything up ahead of time.

Bob Axsom
I flew into Kissimmee (ISM) for a Shuttle launch & parked at Kaz Aviation. It worked out great, BUT we wanted to spend a few days around Orlando. We drove over for the Shuttle launch...it took a couple hours to get over there from Orlando.

Unless you have the NASA VIP tickets (like the ones for family or select employees), get in line for the shuttle bus early (if you're going to watch it from on KSC). We waited until after the line started forming & it was brutal. Once you get out to the causeway you can relax on the grass.

Here's my trip report from the day of the launch:
The Visitor Complex

While you are there you should visit the Visitor Complex. I think it is very good. They have a large collection of museum and theater facilities and a store where you can buy a wide variety of items to remember your visit or missions that are especially significant to you as well as bus tours of the facility. I don't know it it is still there but if you take the highway south between the Visitor Complex and the enclosed KSC facility for a few miles there was a restaurant on the left called "Shuttles" the specializes in beer/soda and hamburgers named after the space shuttles. Whenever visiting KSC during the delivery and preparation of a payload it was a common practice to visit there at least once. I can vouch for the Columbias and Endeavours.

Bob Axsom
I have used Titusville when I go to KSC for business, because it is a "quick in, quick out" for a visit to the cape, but if I am going for pleasure, I prefer Merritt Island, 'cause it is a little closer to the "Florida Space Coast" experience.....if you're going to spend a few days, it is a nice place to base out of.
