I'm sorry, but repentence doesn't make up for ignorance...and I see nothing "easy" about how he got into that mess.

I find the bigger issue the one where "he never thot to check" How many times does he use that phrase...Does that mean his pre-flight is done in a similar manner, does that mean his radio work in a congested airspace is also done in a similar manner?

This guy is just plain dangerous, I don't care how many times you say your "sorry" or "you messed/screwed up".

Come on people, this is the 2000's and technology makes these kinds of things "simple" if not easy (even with the problems at FSS).

As my wife would say... "I'm calling BS on this".

Live and learn, but if you are going to put other peoples lives at risk, or put our enjoyment at risk then you deserve to be grounded... yup, ask me how I *really* feel about this.

Note:... I wanted to use phrases like Boozo, idiot, etc... but refrained...

I just don't get it sometimes I guess....