
Well Known Member
i have done 2 fwf installations and just at the end of this one i tripped on a really slick item. i got some 3/4'' i.d.double wall shrink tube with adhesive. this stuff slips over a terminal AFTER it is installed and crimped on the cable. this stuff shrinks down to 1/4'' i.d. the end result is perfect. only downside is that i had to buy 14' on ebay. send me a buck and i will send a couple 8'' pieces to you. sorry to sound like a cheap smack but i would really like some others to see how slick this stuff is. i will even just send it to show it off.
Hi Bob

Sent you an email regarding the shrink tube offer. I would also like info as to where you ordered the material.

Sending bucks

Too good a deal to pass up PM me your address and I'll mail you $2.00 bucks postage ain't free:)
We use alot of the Ancor brand lined shrink tube at work, it is great stuff. The clear liner inside melts as the outer tube shrinks forming a water tight seal. Try your local boat supply shop for it.