
Well Known Member


Here's where the decal came from:
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...my previous ride (pickup) - now replaced with a 30mpg little Mazda (much cheaper to own/operate). Sometimes I miss the truck, but the little car is FUN to drive. Same license plate on the new car...

It was a gift from a guy I gave a ride to. He had never been in an airplane of any type. He says he found it on the internet somewhere, but I don't know where.

gbrasch said:
Dave, where did you get the airplane graphic of the RV next to you plate?

Darwin N. Barrie wrote: Dude, Get your plate current. (or the picture) You know how many cops are on this list?
C'mon Darwin, I figure they have better things to do than look at my license plate ;) Rosie
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I need to get a different plate holder, something about flying instead of building :)_

Keeping the dream alive & posting photos like a pro

I think I'll get the photo in this time without anybody having to hunt for it.

walter said:
I need to get a different plate holder, something about flying instead of building
Walter is that your serial number for your airplane? I assume that is your N number. I ask because my serial number is 446 for my RV9A that I bought from another builder. I plan on using my serial number for the N number so it will be N446RV. Maybe whenever I can complete my plane we will be able to meet up at some flyin somewhere and park next to each other with N446RV and N447RV on the tail.
After seeing this thread a few months ago, I had to do it. I copied your format Dave. In a state with 36M+ people, I was actually surprised I was able to get it.


Not exactly true (yet), but it will be someday. :)
RV7Factory said:
After seeing this thread a few months ago, I had to do it. I copied your format Dave. In a state with 36M+ people, I was actually surprised I was able to get it. [stuff deleted]
That's funny. There 5 million more people in California than are in all of Canada.

Must be the weather :D

Waiting for winter to end.....
RVbySDI said:
Walter is that your serial number for your airplane? I assume that is your N number. I ask because my serial number is 446 for my RV9A that I bought from another builder. I plan on using my serial number for the N number so it will be N446RV. Maybe whenever I can complete my plane we will be able to meet up at some flyin somewhere and park next to each other with N446RV and N447RV on the tail.
It's my N-number. When will you be flying? Let's hook up!
There are a LOT of NXX7RV and NXX6RV N-numbers out there on RVs.
I've been in the pattern and heard 3 of us either inbound or outbound at
the same time. Can get a bit confusing if we don't use the entire call sign
when reporting...
Spotted RV-7A License Plate

Saw a red F150 with license plate RV-7A at the Sterling, VA Pet Smart parking lot last night. I happened to be wearing my Van's hat at the time. Anyone know who belongs to this truck?

RV-related car licence plates

Just out of interest, has anyone extended their RV experience to other transport, such as getting personalised car licence plates, perhaps with your N-number or similar?

A while back a friend, who used to live in Canada and now lives here in Australia, gave me a cool licence plate from her car in Ontario, Canada, as she was cleaning up and getting rid of old stuff. The plate is "AVGAS". It's a bit rusty, otherwise I'd hang it on my study wall, but when my RV-8 workshop is set up (hopefully soon) I'll probably hang it out there.

I'm thinking that when my "8" is done (or at least underway) I might try to get "8-PILOT", "FLY-RV8" or something like that.

I thought this was appropriate until I got the project in the air. Perhaps I'll apply for something different when that time comes. Keep building!

Hello McFly

I?d like to show you a picture of my California Plate ?McFly 88? but the DMV powers that be turned down my application ?due to an obscene or inappropriate meaning??????? :eek:If anybody figures that one out, please fill me in :confused:
Hugh, that stinks. Did you apply in person or online? Perhaps if you paid a visit to the local DMV and explained yourself??? I know they want to know the meaning before they will approve anything.
Did you apply in person or online?

Thanks Brad but it?s not a biggie, just one of those things that make you go ?Huh??.

My wife applied for it online. It was supposed to be a X-mas present but instead I used the cash for avgas ;)
I forgot about this thread! Got my "RV" plates this summer, and meant to post a pic at the time...


Not very creative, but...


John Clark ATP, CFI
FAA FAAST Team Member
EAA Flight Advisor
RV8 N18U "Sunshine"
I?d like to show you a picture of my California Plate ?McFly 88? but the DMV powers that be turned down my application ?due to an obscene or inappropriate meaning??????? :eek:If anybody figures that one out, please fill me in :confused:

i would guess 88 is blackballed because of stormfront/ nazi connotations. sorry its so late but the thread is current ;)
It's nice that your motivation is more honorable than several (unfortunately most) of those I have personally come in contact with. Often times when you see the frame as you walk up on the car you start to prepair yourself for the attitude that often accompanies it.
I have owned the personalized plate of "FLYIN" since Arizona came out with them in 1974. I would show you a picture if I could ever figure out how to post one! And I am building an airplane, man..........
Here's my RV plate! That stuff falling is snow here in Houston from last year... Global Warming.... hmmmm


Just got the plates for Christmas. Bribed my son to put the plates on the truck by offering some flight time yesterday.