
Well Known Member
Prompted by Pierre's post, how about it? Lets see you guys doing what you do to pay the bills!

If you're retired, pictures sitting in the hangar drinking beer is acceptable.

Edit: This means pictures! Driving a tractor, canning beans, manning your cubicle, etc.
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I am an electrical automation engineer that works for Bush Brothers.


Here at the Chestnut Hill, TN plant I hold responsibility for all electrical, automation, process control and batching systems. This facility is state of the art, built about 8 years ago. At the time it was the largest expansion in TN.

One of my roles is as one of the keepers of the "secret family recipe" (I put the configuration and formulas into our batching system).

If you are ever in the East TN area, be sure to check out our visitor center/museum!

I really enjoy my job and the company I work for. Working here is a privilege and a Godsend for me and my family.
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I am a farmer in North Dakota, fourth generation. We have been turning some of the same dirt since 1895. Wheat, corn, soybeans, and some of the edible beans Brantel talks about.
Very cool thread. I'm a Materials Review Board engineer at Spirit AeroSystems, a company that builds major sections of planes for Boeing, Airbus, and others. I design repairs to broken and mangled Boeing airplane parts. Comes in handy when I screw up something on my 9A, which happens more than I'd like. Since you asked for pictures, imagine a guy sitting at a desk in front of a computer. That's me.
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I'm supposed to be retired.

First I retired from the Air Force (A-7, F-4, F-105, F-16) then from USAirways. Then I got a job with a part 135 outfit and my boss picks up every odd ball contract he can find. We do wildfire suppression missions (Air Attack) for the US Forest Service, marine mammal surveys (whale hunting), air sample missions for NOAA, forest surveys for USFS, radar calibration missions for the Navy, and many others.

Here's our primary mount, the old Cessna 337, Skymaster with a camera mounted on the left side. This was part of a test program to see if marine mammals and birds could be surveyed by digital photographic means.


This is the LCS (littoral combat ship) Independence, a prototype of a navy vessel that is designed to go after drug runners and pirates, among other stuff. We usually use three airplanes to "attack" from various angles and altitudes to calibrate the ship's radar.


The LCS uses laser rangefinders so we have to wear special laser goggles to protect our eyes when we "attack" the ship.


So now that I'm "retired" I have two jobs! The second one really isn't a job, it's a lot of work and even more fun. I fly with Alpha flight on Team RV. That's me with the invasion stripes. (And that's Widget on the opposite wing. He flies for the same 135 outfit. Close formation in C-337's isn't as much fun as in the RV-8.)

Well.... You asked for it

Spent 4 years doing this (radar/missile guidance F-4J's) That's Da Nang for those that were there.


Then, I spent 30 years doing this.... (I'm the fat guy Police Chief on the left)
ps. My 2 1/2 years on the Motorcycle Patrol was my favorite police duty assignment.


Police Chief donut eating contest for charity....That's me bending over stuffing my face ..... the reason why I'm the fat guy on the left.


Then I did this for about 8 years after I retired from the police department ... aerial photography.


Retired after the real estate market took a dive.

That's what paid for my RV-6. I sure couldn't do it now on retirement pay.

Now I'm back to eating donuts.....

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Body Shop Owner

ChevelleBoys Custom Auto.

Complete frame off restoration and fabrication to a simple dent.
Complete mechanical.

Dream it, Build it, Drive it.

Rich Denton
Fixxing Aircrafts... These pictures are taken in Voronezh (Russia) while i was working for Swiss International Airlines, Aircraft is a SAAB 2000 :)


I've been a software guy for USAA for the last 19 years. Six years of that time I was in the TX ANG flying F-16s one day a week (USAA used to have a 4 day work week). Now I am a systems architect and led the large team that developed the USAA iPad app.


(if you really want to watch the video behind that bitmap, it's here:

Now I work in the applied research area and get to prototype the stuff USAA will be doing with technology in the near future. So, basically, I play with tech toys all week and play with my airplanes all weekend.

Wait,... I thought this thread was about work....
Well, I'm just starting my job teaching computer science. Even if I had a picture, it wouldn't be very exciting. Before that, I married a redheaded doctor - but you don't get to see those pictures.;)

I've been a banker for 36 years. Drive the same route and work in the same building all that time. It has been a great career.
Around 30 West en route Dominican. Shot by my Buddy on the same track, 1,000' higher.


Me and my Nephew a few years ago going to Palma Majorca


Stampede Trip some years ago......


Northern Lights flight out of Bristol - 2 years ago.


After the storm - Climbing out of Holguin, Cuba

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Show us your day job.

Sorry D.R....Sig said that I should start this:

My office in the summertime: 9' spray boom height, 140 MPH TAS.


Spraying wheat for fungal disease in April.

...also 'Transition trained' about 80 guys over 5 years in my previous -6A...the "Sojourner." That's 'Big Jim...6' 5" in my seat cushions for him but we got 'er done'


I'm right at 6' ...the smaller guy, next to Jim...biggest guy I ever had in the airplane...he now flies his own -8A.


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Me, resting my feet on my desk at work


Also the main reason I want as clean a panel as possible in my RV-8A :eek:
For a picture, just imagine a nondescript guy in a cubicle. We all look the same. :rolleyes:

Currently systems analyst for the local health authority but came up through my career as a software developer doing mostly embedded systems - satellite media uplink terminal and medical device that uses laser to "cook" brain tumors.

Great thread.

I work out of my house, so a picture would be pretty boring!! :)

I sell power supplies to the metal finishing industry (electroplating, anodizing, electropolishing) for Dynatronix ( )

Aerospace and electronics are my main markets. I cover the eastern third of the US and Asia.
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Wow, lot's of interesting day jobs here!

I fly transport helicopters to offshore oil and gas installations from various bases around the world. That may sound interesting, but it's not. The flying is either boring, frustrating or stressful and the commute half way around the globe every month and a half is pretty unpleasant. At least I get to fly some nice aircraft though.

I used to fly Sikorsky-61, then AS-332 Super Puma and now the EC-225 based on the Island of Borneo. I work 6 weeks on, 6 weeks off which gives me lot's of time to build my RV-8!

Trading Floor Suppeot

I work for a large Swiss bank based in Zurich. I support foreign exchange traders in a number of Java based applications that manage risk and position and that can also initial trades. A lot of trades are done automatically when the matching discovers an acceptable trade that meets both parties requirements and the trade is booked totally automatically without any human intervention. In the case of automatic trades, there are a number of very secure safeguards in place to make sure that trading does not go into runaway and the bank can turn off automatic trading at any time When you look at the rolling ledger of trades booked there is at least a trade every second of the day ranging in amounts say from $5000 up to $100,000,000 or more. If a trader knows he has a large trade in the offing we are given the heads up and we can make sure all parameters are correct when the trade is booked.

A very important day of each month is when the US Non Farm Paroll statistics are released on the first Friday of every month. Our system is monitored to make sure that all parameters are within limits. As soon as the figure is announced the volume level amongst the traders rises 10 times if not more, the number of trades flowing dramatically increases and the system load rises dramatically. All our eyes are on various parameters to make sure NOTHING goes wrong. Things do go wrong and I remember we lost a key server just before one NFP announcement with the result that no trading was happening. Panic! We were like blue arsed flies, but there was not much we could do because we had missed a single point of failure in our system and that single point decided to go on vacation at that particular time.

Most of the guys I work with are in there thirties. Some of the wizz traders are in their early twenties. I am 60 in February and I get on very well with all our traders although there are moments.

I would not change my job I love the buzz of the trade floor.

Sorry guys no pictures! Verboten! But normally each trader has about six flat screens in front of him giving market view and analysis info and areas to carry the various trading applications. I myself sit at a workstation with four screens. VAF is usually lurking in a browser somewhere on my workstation.

Does the dog really talk? And does he really know the secret recipe??? :D

Duke is the reason we switched over to Bush's Baked Beans. Pretty much everything else is store brands. You HAVE to get a commercial shot with Duke in your RV. Gotta happen. Would a friendly petition help?
Air data calibrations with the nose boom and trailing cone.

Luckily, we had a professional photographer in the chase airplane that day.

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All you guys have such cool jobs! Me? "Sit in a corner and talk to myself".


Voice actor/voice-over for radio station imaging and commercials, narrations, documentary, TV commercials, instructional video, audio production, copy writing.

I don't think you want a picture...
I guess I could talk my job up and Say I am the Company Commander of the largest ground transportation node in the entire afghanistan theater of operations.


I could tell you what we really do and say we ingate and Babysit 300 afghan truck drivers every day.

take your pick

Air data calibrations with the nose boom and trailing cone.

Luckily, we had a professional photographer in the chase airplane that day.


Saw your demo at the Winston-Salem air show last year. Awesome little jet! You should have come by and said "hello" to Team RV. Better yet, trade rides!
I'll give you all one guess what I do. :)


And I keep track of things on this too, but Brian beat me to it.


To see my face you'll have to come to a show. ;)

But I used to work for a commuter airline.

Now I do my other passions, combining music with building things :

maple resonator guitar:



Brazilian Rosewood/ spruce six string:




[ed. Now there's drool all over my monitor. Thanks! dr]

Just noticed your comment, sir, thank you I am flattered!
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Me & My Job

Well, I can't show you me at my job due to security reasons. They would spank me and maybe even kick me out the door for taking any photos here. :(
Hope the link works to our main chase plane that we use to chase F-16s and all the new F-35s.

Network Security Management Consultant

Like some, I am lucky enough to work from the house (sometimes). This means that I can go from conference call to working on the RV in 30-seconds. Sometimes, if there is no presentation involved, I can work on the RV and run the conference call at the same time. When I'm not this lucky, I can be found on some random American Airlines jet flying somewhere wasting time that could be better spent starring at my plans trying to figure out what I'm supposed to do next.

Of course my travels have allowed me the pleasure of meeting some of you in the VAF world. I count myself pretty lucky in that regard.
nothing exciting--

I just build hose and rigid tube assemblies for industrial and automotive stuff all day long. Doing Experimental hoses is FUN compared to my regular job!
I engineer/design large natural gas compression packages for the gas industry worldwide. A lot of fun, I love designing the big iron and watching it come together in the shop. Seeing a hundred-ton compression package I designed go onto a ship deck never gets old.
I'm a Civil Servant

A very FORTUNATE civil servant....

By the end of the Shuttle program, as the "old guy", I was pretty much filling in wherever, in whatever role, necessary. Someone had to teach the bright "kids" how to fly this thing!

Just another orbital maneuver, of the thousands I’ve done (or trained for) over thirty years….(This one, however, was from the very last time I served as a Commander in a Shuttle simulation before we closed out the program):


It really flew pretty good – for a 230,000 lb glider:


But this is the "desk" where I have spent most of my time (and still do today – only the vehicle is different):



We were all waiting for those snaps !!!!!!

RonH - When we fly to Cancun, we fly over you and I always have a look to see if we can see you. Best on the return with a low sun.

MORA on the NAV display goes from 2,000 to 15,000 feet as we approach and unless you know - guys go What The...... It's the Keys ?

Will try and get a passing shot when I'm next there :D
I am a Senior Systems Analyst/AVP for a Credit Card Bank. Been here 11 years. General MIS, SQL, JavaScript, XML guy.

I also volunteer for CAP and current billet is the Deputy Chief of Staff over Operations for the State of Utah. Does not pay the bills, but it fills the log book nicely. Feels like a second job.

Now a flight director on this

I have been known to fly around those! ;) Have we met/chatted?


That's me in the left seat.
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I sell lighting. (wish I had a cool job)
But, I can't complain. I am proud that our equipment has saved millions of KW/hours to offset my carbon footprint burning avgas.
Like where Mike Reddick works, they frown on my taking pictures at work, so I had to go get some public release stuff off the internet.

I'm an instrumentation and controls engineer and spend a LOT of time on paperwork, procedures, etc, but occasionally they let us make a little smoke and fire. We spent a year getting ready for this 20-second test:



Link to video

Note to Gil B. re wasting time on airliners: That's what preview plans are for!;)