
Well Known Member
1200 hours on my engine and haven't really seen much in the way of particles on the media. A few specs here and there , which got me wondering ……
What does a media look like that has enough specs or debris that warranted engine surgery.
I don't know how much of a real problem this is, but every single story from Savvy involves a mechanic who is out to pad their own pocket at the expense of the aircraft owner. I realize that's the perfect marketing tool for Savvy, but it gets old.

Not sure is a pocket padding issue or a liability issue, but likely a combo of both. Very few A&P are willing to bet on issues like metal in the engine. I don't agree with it and as responsible aircraft owners we need to know our options.

I agree there are a lot of these coming out of Savvy, but to be honest I enjoy the reading. If it wasn't for these write ups I would have already pulled the engine for an OH, glad I didnt, over 300 hours put on since the original date I was considering an OH, that OH $$ goes a long way to fuel the adventures.