
Well Known Member


I completed this RV-4 in 1989 and the picture was taken at a grass strip in Wyoming. The second picture was taken recently in front of my hangar.

This -4 is built to original plans and minimally equipped for daylight VFR. The only changes and additions are a Catto prop five years ago and the smoke tank installation. She has served us well for 28 years now and is a permanent part of our family. Every flight is as satisfying as the first and there have been many :)
She still looks just as good today as then Hans. I do miss mine but have another in the box😄
I need to get up your way in the near future for some 2 ship, lunch and catch up.
Then and now

Hans aka Saber

The RV-4 doesn't look any different between then and now, but the pilot sure looks different. What are those grey hairs, they need replacement.

Ryan, come on down, I'll treat the lunch here in town.

Falcon, great to hear from you and it must be my mirror, it shows a full head of dark brown hair :)

Chris, you know Mary dresses me... she was out of town the day I did the "now" picture. :D

Cheers, Hans
Twister, now it's your turn to show how gracefully the RV ages. I believe you're not far behind me!!
Yeah, all of 5'7'' then, and some parts are getting shorter now. Getting old is not for the meek but it beats the alternative. The current frame fits nicely in the RV and the Pitts. I'm having a ball :D