
Well Known Member
Installed a uAvionix SkyBeacon and SkySensor on our RV-6 almost two years ago. They worked great right out of the box. Then the firmware update arrived for the SkyBeacon. Got a little help installing the firmware, and it was not a big deal at all, except that after that, I could not get a good Public ADS-B Performance Report (PAPR). After contacting uAvionix' support guy, Kurt, I did some wiring fixes and even added a ground wire right to the battery. Still no good, so Kurt asked me to send the SkyBeacon to them for testing. In about 4 days, I had a NEW SkyBeacon, NO CHARGE. It's been perfect. I asked if this was really a warranty issue and Kurt told me it's out of warranty, but "We're easy to get along with." How's that for customer service?
I bought a used Echo/Skyfox without the GPS antenna from a VAF poster. Asked uAvioniax what antenna they used and price? They sent me one, totally free!! Not even shipping charge. Their equipment worked very well and I got a clean report the first test.
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