
Well Known Member
I've been flying a lot of IFR over the past year because I am using the bird to commute on Monday morning and Friday afternoon. Plus my choice of a flying vacation during the recent east coast weather debacle (another story)

So.... last Monday I was flying on top, nearing the IAF for runway 6 into Burlington, NC and my AHRS tumbles. :eek: I look around and the undercast is solid out to infinity (already knew that). Rebooted to no avail.

My panel includes a 2-1/4" TT ADI as horizon backup. It worked perfectly. While it was a little nervy because of turbulence and ceilings lower than reported, the approach went fine and I popped out at approx. 700 ft AGL.

Thanks to Lucas and crew for designing a very fine instrument that saved my bacon!
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