Well Known Member
I had a problem with my Rocket on Monday (might post that story later) serious enough that I had to remove the wings and trailer it home (about 1.2 hours away). These guys are a maintenance shop for certified birds, and they were fantastic - tied the plane down for the overnights, last night they put the fuse in the hangar, helped with the wing removal and loading, helped loading the fuse, lent me tools I had forgot to bring, and did everything possible to assist me with the work and make me comfortable.

How much did they charge for this? Nada, zero, nothing, $0.00.

If you are ever in Kelowna BC and need some help look these guys up. Great bunch - and I had never met any of them until Monday.
No fun!

Glad to hear you are OK, and your bird is back home,

and nice to know that you were well treated at YLW.

let the rest of us know if we can be of any help.....

best wishes,
Saw the CADORS report and wondered which of the three Rockets I know of were affected... Glad to hear you're okay, look forward to the story... And will remember the name STOLairus if i'm in the area with a need for support.
Mark, we all hate bent metal, and it must be an awful feeling, but no one got hurt. Good luck with repairs.