
Well Known Member
Quick backstory:
I received my tailwheel training from Jan Bussell when I only had 60 hours of fixed wing PIC time. Jan was outstanding and I consider myself very fortunate to have gotten a chance to learn from such a great instructor, God rest his soul. We did over 100 landings in 3 days (almost exclusive 3 point landings). He demonstrated a wheel landing and I made a few attempts, but certainly was not proficient.

Fast forward and I now have 175 hours of flying my RV6, however early on I started wheel landing exclusively. The landings worked but I never felt comfortable, even a bit stressed about landing the plane. I decided I would either sell the RV6 or get more training. I reached out to Bruce Bohannon and let me tell you I am incredibly happy that I made that phone call. I spent this past Saturday practicing 3 point landings at KLBX and even short landings at Bruce’s grass strip. We also did a bit of unusual attitude recovery which was a bunch of fun.

The moral of the story is you are never to old or to experienced to get some extra instruction. Bruce is certainly an aviation legend and super down to earth person. I will be going back for more unusual attitude recovery training. I highly recommend anyone who thinks they may need a refresher course, tailwheel endorsement, or some fun aerobatic training to give Bruce a call.

Funny side note: We landed to get some lunch and a young family at the airport restaurant asked me, “How high can you fly your plane?” I snickered and suggested they ask Bruce that question.

Thank you Bruce.
So you were the next guy! I flew with him Mon-Fri before you arrived. He signed me off as a qualified RV-8 pilot after Thursday's flying, and Friday we took this fun flight so I could capture some video (didn't want the camera to distract me before then).
(Sorry; video switched to private per Bruce's request)
Probably the best flight instruction I've ever gotten... although my week with Budd Davisson might be tied for first place. Both great pilots, good guys, and now good friends.
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Me too

I just completed my transition training with Bruce, with one day in the Cub and 5 Days in the RV-8. Overall, I completed 15 hours of dual instruction and nearly a hundred landings at various airports.

For all those out there that claim that the RV-8 won't 3 point land, do yourself a favor, and go visit Bruce. Nearly all of our landings were 3 point, it is much safer, slower, and shorter rollout required...

Bruce has a superb teaching style. He is patient, yet firm, and knows how to break it up with fun from time to time. Overall, I can't say enough great things about him and his method of training. As others have said here, I showed up with my hat in my hand and no ego, and he took it from there. I had just under 100 hours when I came to him, only having received my PPL a month prior...

I had purchased an RV-8, and it was sitting in the hangar waiting for me when I completed the training, so you could say I was motivated. I had never flown in an RV, let alone a tail wheel plane. I left with a high level of comfort in both.

As the highest level of praise for him, I came home, the next day, went up for the first time in my RV-8, and had to work out some balance and rotation on landing issues, all by myself. Bruce had given me the skills to safely bring the plane back home and I ultimately greased a 3 point landing.

That was just today! I just spoke to him, as he is now a great friend and resource. Again, he is the best...go fly with Bruce, I promise you will gain from this legend and be blessed to have spent time with him.

He can be reached at 281.889.8078. :):):)
Martin, that video comes up as private.. Any way it can be updated so we can all enjoy it!?

Bruce asked me to pull it and I will respect his wishes. I'll also change the post; thanks for mentioning it. I may make another edit someday.