
Well Known Member
I'm just getting ready to install my Hooker belts and, looking at 42-06 Figure 1, I see the .252 bushing called out. The holes, however, are too small to even get the bushings started prior to pressing them in, so...

...is it OK to simply drill up the hole in the harness lug?

It seems as though it'd be fine, but I figured there was no harm in confirming it. :)

Also, the lap belts already come with a bushing - does that need to be replaced with the Van's-supplied bushing called out in 42-06 Figure 2?
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Hooker is different

Check with Hooker or your interior manufacturer (I used Classic Aero) but in my -14 the cable was not used. I was supplied with 4 links, two per side that sandwich the the harness lug and attach using two nuts/bolts/washers per side.
