
Well Known Member
My grips are from Tosten. I shortened the stick 3.5", or .25" shorter than suggested by Tosten and they still hit the panel (just barely). I don't want them too short for fear of twitchy controls.

I probably will never do actual dive bomber maneuvers but also don't want interference. Bend the stick back? Ignore it?

Stick Hits Panel.jpg
Many of the modern grips extend well above the hand location to accommodate the buttons and switches. They also seem to be tilted forward for better ergonomics, thus increasing the chance of panel interference. There are several simpler, shorter grips (Ray Allen, Van's) which are not tilted forward. In your case, maybe you could gain a half inch or so of clearance by bending the top of the stick backwards a bit, as long as it doesn't change the feel too much...

The Van's Tosten grip seems to be a bit shorter above the hand
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Are the elevators on and rigged? Thought I remember reading somewhere the elevator horns were the limiting stops in the pitch system. Could be wrong, it's been a while since I was in that section.
Are the elevators on and rigged? Thought I remember reading somewhere the elevator horns were the limiting stops in the pitch system. Could be wrong, it's been a while since I was in that section.

They've been on. Not on, now. May need to re-rig them. Could be the stick will not go that far forward with elevators.
They've been on. Not on, now. May need to re-rig them. Could be the stick will not go that far forward with elevators.

Not sure it will make a difference, but appears you might gain some very slight stick clearance with the elevators installed.
I remember checking the elevators for the required defection limits per this letter when working on the tail section. I had to file a small amount of the spar, per the plans, to get the required angles. I temporarily installed my sticks a couple months ago and had some slight contact with my light dimmer pots. They stuck out a little more than I liked anyway so trimmed the stems a little for clearance. We'll see what happens when we final install the elevators as a complete system.
Sticks Clear Panel Now

I had to adjust my sticks/grips (Tostens) so at full dive, they don't hit the panel. The solution was to cut 3-1/2" off the top of each stick (3-1/4" is recommended by Tosten) and use a modified bushing that Tosten makes that cants the grip in relation to the stick about 10 degrees aft.

Tosten CoPilot Clearance to Panel.jpg

The bushing had to be shortened about 1/2" and rounded at the bottom so as not to interfere with the curvature of the stick.

Tosten Grip Mod.jpg
Assuming the stick at full length goes under the panel with no stick grips, I can't see that shortening it however much it takes to put the top of the stick grip in the same place would have any downside. I don't think you want the panel to act as an elevator travel limiter (!).

I fly 90% of the time with my hand on my knee several inches down the stick. No issues with twitchy controls, in fact it seems more natural that way, for me anyhow. Mine is a -6 but I imagine that with respect to control response, it's not all that different.
I am with Shawn on this, you will need to make sure the elevators are rigged and also the push/pull tubes are also correct, checking the elevator bell crank angle (based on what is in the plan). I cut my stick just about the same size as you have (both planes) and I clear the panel. The area on the panel that you need to watch for is the heater knob, essentially do a full sweep of the control.
Please, everyone, check your elevator travel with the stick boots installed. Our local RV Builders chapter President, Doug Weiler, discovered that the stick boot base bracket was interfering with full aft travel (about 17 degrees aft travel versus the 30 degrees I measured previously). I was terrified to discover this prior to final inspection (and first flight) yet pleased that Doug found this on the ground. Yes, I am running the stock sticks. The stick boot base brackets also came from the Vans RV-14 kit. I folded the aft vertical bracket over for clearance and to serve as a "doubler."

Please check your aircraft for full aileron and elevator travel with the entire interior subkit installed. Have everyone take a look at your bird.
I had the same issue just this week. I've got large toggles on the pilot's side and needed about 1/8" more room for good clearance.

Spoke to Kevin at Tosten and was informed that they make an offset bushing that will alleviate this problem. The item isn't on their website but can be ordered as a "repair". Haven't seen them yet, but they're supposed to be here Friday. Hope they work.

Yes - Elevator is rigged properly
Yes - Hitting the proper stops
Yes - Has the proper travel

My guess is that the offset bushings probably look like what Rocketdoc posted.
