
Well Known Member


the video was taken early morning headed west, smooth air, AP on and music playing. old school panel still doing the job. AP & 430 mounted under the short panel.

after finding my second eagle for the day i decided to try a shot. with a glider rating and camera in hand and low power setting i continued circling shooting with the sun at my back and a good view of the bird. this was the best of 4 after being cropped. the eagles seem to be territorial and found in the same places. they are an incredible site and very plentiful in florida.

the boat parades are starting about this time of year. :)
Nice picture! An eagle flew over me at about 75' agl when I was riding my bike to work a few days ago - majestic creatures they are. I haven't seen one from the sky yet.
Eagles in flight

This view was not from the air.
Several years ago I was duck hunting near the Louisiana-Arkansas line on Felsenthal Reservoir. We had just gotten the spread of decoys out and settled in the blind when a bald eagle came in looking for his breakfast of duck. He did not recognize the decoys as being decoys until he was about 20 feet above the spread. At that time I would have given anything for a camera instead of the shotgun I had.
We did not get any ducks on that trip but it still is my most memorable duck hunt.