
Well Known Member
I'll be making my virgin voyage to OSH this year. I want to look around for some deals on stuff I'm going to have to buy soon anyway, and was wondering if any of you veteran's have tips, suggestions, observations both on what I will be needing soon and what I can expect in terms of deals...

I'm building a 7 QB. I've got the fuse to the point in the manual where it says to mate the wings, my left wing is done (except tip, pitot & plumbing, and still have to rivet the last skin on) and I expect to be to the same point on the right wing within a month or so. I'd like to get more stuff done (actually, lots more) before mating the wings, as I don't have much room at home.

Suggestions :confused:

AP servo for right wing?
Wire, switches, breakers, etc?
Lighting (I already have Duckworks landing/taxi... one installed and one pending, but no strobes/nav yet)?
Interior stuff?
Fibreglas supplies/tools?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Here are some of the things we picked up every year during our build.

drill bits
boe lube
odd aluminum pcs
oil filters

take a good look at the tool venders, some times that have deals the last day ... but don't wait if you need it, as they might run out.
Sometimes at the end you can barter a bit. I got a better deal on a GPS one year that way. The venders all want to go home without all the stuff they dragged in and deals can be had.

Same Idea

I am in almost the same position as you are in the building process.

I put together a spreadsheet of all of the parts I could think of with the current website prices from Vans, Aircraft Spruce etc...

If I find a good "show deal" I will be able to compare it to the normal prices.

In addition I have a few items already lined up to pick up at Oshkosh. Hooker Harness, for instance, was very willing to bring the belts for pickup at the show, for a good price.

If you are thinking about a certain item, call the vendor ahead of time and see what you can work out. (At least you will save shipping and brokerage fees across the border to Canada.)

Just my 2 cents.
