
Well Known Member

I have been trying real hard to make some serious progress on my RV-7A lately but I keep having troubles getting things done. The culprit is shown in the photo. My daughters new Pomeranian is a kleptomaniac. If it lands on the shop floor he grabs it and runs out and drops it in the yard. He is very stealthy. If he happens to get a hold of some paper towelsout of the garbage without me noticing, upon leaving my shop I am greeted with hundreds of tiny bits of paper towels blowing about that I have to clean up.

If I could only teach him to buck rivets??????????..

By the way his name is Killer

Use a mousetrap

I asked my vet one time how to handle a pooch that loved to use the trashcan as his pesonal toy basket. Mousetrap was his answer. It cured the trashcan bandit after one pop.
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We'll take him Paul! He looks like a cutie.

I have two singapura cats that I just lock out of the workroom. They are natural thieves too.

Sure, your daughters dog. Stick to that!!! Next thing we hear is you're going to name your plane, "Precious." Even the name, Killer, can't butch that dog up any.

Get some Bitter Apple spray from Petsmart and spray all those things. It will keep Killer away and provides some entertainment.

This coming from a guy with a Chihuahua.:eek:
Snickers our shop-dog. The first time he was down in the shop, the air compressor started up right next to him. He just sniffed it a bit and continued on his way without a big to-do. None of the shop noises seem to bother him.

He's gonna get his own dog bed platform over the baggage compartment in the -7A. :D

Paul are you sure Killer is the main reason of slowing your project? It seems like the poor guy just wants to help somehow to speed it up. It is sending you some sort of message by doing strange things. Try to talk to him first. Ask your daughter to translate if you are not good in Kanine:D And definitely think again before buying that huge mousetrap:eek: