
Well Known Member
Hello, not building yet, but planning. I have a decent-sized shop I'd use for the build whose doorway I'd need to expand. Would be terrible to build the plane only to realize I cannot roll it out of the shop.

What is the width of the outside edge of the wheels (no pants)?
here's how I had to do mine.... (excuse the MS Paint artwork) The gear width is about 8ft

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In CA, the maximum width allowed on roads is 102 inches. So make the door width 103 inches if you have room.

More info needed

Nobody asked how wide or tall your shop is. My choice would be 26 feet wide 12feet tall. But, that said you may a big enough shop. Reason is mine is 4,600 feet 14' tall clear span.
Room?? no problem.
I swear, I think I'm clever then I go on these forums and people have these tricks I never even considered. Humbling.

Thanks for the replies, all! I'm shooting for 96 inches, but need to talk to my door guy (brother-in-law) to see what's possible. Cheers!
Was pretty tight, but doable. Used home made dollies

Door width: 84 inches, doors swinging outwards. Door height: 79 inches.
There's a few pics floating around where folks have made "modifications" :p to their house to get their project out :D
here's how I had to do mine.... (excuse the MS Paint artwork) The gear width is about 8ft

View attachment 12603

I was going to use this method to move my RV-14 with engine and gear through my 6x6 foot basement walk-out door. The root fairing attach strips and axles conspired to make it not work, by a narrow margin. The solution was to use an engine crane to lift the front of the plane when it was sticking out the door, then roll the plane a few degrees to make the swing and get the second main wheel out the door.
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Same as mentioned. I made a drawing and a scaled airplane cut out to see if I could get it out the door. Prepared accordingly for internal swing clearance and it worked well.
Note that the doors had to be removed.

That is Terry, my good friend, AKA 10Friend.

So this guy is in bed with his best friend’s wife (stay with me here, it is related to the subject at hand....). They are carrying on when all of a sudden they hear the front door open and the wife realizes that her husband is home early. The guy says “quick, where’s the back door?!?!”. She says “we don’t have one!”. He says “where would you like one?”.

Ok maybe it isn’t that relevant but for some reason this made me think of it....

With apologies....