
Well Known Member
Attending fly-ins is a lot more fun when one's affiliation(s) are easily determined by appropriate clothing. I have placed my vote for the shirt size business but would like to go on record as one who would like a 'Van's Air Force' cap with embroidery.

I do have two -one for me, one for wifey- of those cheapie/painted-on RV-4 hats from Van's and find the poor quality simply not acceptable. (I had to rubber cement in swede hat bands to keep the dreaded, circulation-cutting of the narrow rope.)

So, how's about a nice offering in the higher quality-type of baseball cap, eh? Anyone else interested? Maybe Doug might head-up some group buy if we get enough interest? Just a-wondering..

(For my in-house critic; I performed searches on 'caps' and 'hats' before posting this.) ;)
Skyhook said:
...Maybe Doug might head-up some group buy if we get enough interest? Just a-wondering..;)
Morning, Skyhook!

Sure, I'm game. I've been kinda thinking 'hat' for a while also. I love the feel of the new AOPA hat I got recently with my re-up (no button on top, etc). Great quality hat.

DeltaRomeo said:
Morning, Skyhook!

Sure, I'm game. I've been kinda thinking 'hat' for a while also. I love the feel of the new AOPA hat I got recently with my re-up (no button on top, etc). Great quality hat.


You mean you ignore all those 6-mos. early AOPA renewal requests and wait until the last minute when they finally try to coax you to renew with a cap? Guilty here too. I've often thought AOPA could put my money to better use if they just allowed me to renew when it was more timely and saved all that postage on those early mailings. Still, the hat is a nice hat. Make a VAF in similar style (no cheesy plastic adjustment in back, no button on top, etc.) and I'd be game.

I think Skyhook has an exellent idea here. I too have ordered a hat from Van's only to leave it on the hat rack. It would be awesome to have something I would actually wear. Kind of like the t-shirt deal. I agree the hula girl is hot, but for me it just doesn't scream "I am building or flying a RV". If someone comes out with a quality item with and RV on it, my money is headed their way.
DeltaRomeo said:
I love the feel of the new AOPA hat I got recently with my re-up (no button on top, etc).

Hey Doug - I hate those buttons too. Luckily, on most hats nowadays they are completely nonstructural. Half a minute with a pair of sidecutters and it will be history, with no visible damage to the hat itself. I did this to my Van's-issue RV-7 hat and now I don't get that sore spot on the noggin from the headset. :)

RV-7 emp
What would you think of a hat with this sewn on it?


We could do a poll to determine the color of the hat/bill.


Hey Doug,

When you're ready to buy hats, I can at least help point you in the right direction. When I had hats made for my business, it took me a LOT of work to find a company that would actually make me a hat without that stupid button on the top, no metal clasp, a decent bill (that I had my website printed on) and a non-structured front half of the capt. The "structure" is that starchy thing they stick in the front of the hat.

Anyway, I finally found a place that made my my embroidered hats special with all the requirements above. The only thing is to have them "special made", you have to buy a lot of them, to the tune of many hundreds.

Well, contact me off list and I'll help you out!


Here I sit credit card in sweaty hand... :D

Edited to include: My requirements would (ideally) be: 1) Low crown, 2) No beanie button, 3) Actual size-- no fitzall, 3) Flame red (Peterbuilt Flame!), 4) White with Flame red lettering/logo.

Yeah, that's the ticket!
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Count me in

DeltaRomeo said:
What would you think of a hat with this sewn on it?


We could do a poll to determine the color of the hat/bill.


Great Idea & Logo.
How about an aviation/aviator maybe Air Force Blue or some such?
We need a good cap. and no plastic adjustment
AOPA hat

I hate ball caps in general, they give me a head ache. However, I really like the new AOPA cap, it's really comfortable & doesn't make me feel like I carrying a load of something on top of my head. I'd be game for a VAF cap.

wings-tanks :)
Question: How many orders would justify the VAF hat offering?

Unfortunately, I doubt we have enough interest so far to warrant Delta Romeo going that direction. :(


i'm so-so on the shirt, i can take it or leave it. i'd kind of like to have one, and will get one probably, but won't lose any sleep if i procrastinate and miss out.

but the hat! now, i'm in. us follically-challenged pilots have to have something to protect our dome's anyway, and i have amassed a fair collection. i really want the v.a.f. hat!! :D

Went to a fly-in yesterday. There were several home-builts and 'Sentimental Journey' was giving rides ($395).

Sure would have liked to have been wearing my VAF hat! :rolleyes:

NOTE: This fly-in was sponsored by a chapter of the EAA and there was a big hitch... the glib radio "personality" promoting attendance was balsting over the airwaves that "You can come right onto the flightline and touch these airplanes". Many instances of kids and adults pulling on props were witnessed accompanied by pilots yelling, "Please do not touch the airplane!".

Media. :mad:
I heartily agree that the new AOPA hat is very comfortable, I'd never met a hat I could wear for extended periods before I got that one.

If you come up with a hat as comfortable as that and it doesn't look garish, I'm in!

Marty in Indiana
RV-8A Preview Plans in hand.