
Well Known Member
So this all started with advertising a set of headphones on the VAF classifieds...

* On July 21, I committed this package to the tender mercies of the US Postal Service, headed for Poland using Priority Mail.
* On July 23, it made it to the Miami, FL, International Distribution Center.
* Two weeks ago, I was told that the package was still in Miami but had cleared customs, ready for export, and would go out on the next shipment.
* Last week, same story, but the PO lady kind of refused to let me file a claim nor ask for it to be returned. She said that she had shipped stuff to her family in Bulgaria and it took a month.
* The buyer said that he had a friend coming to the US, and if I could ship the package to him, he could take it back home with him. But I can't get the package back from Miami limbo...
* I found an international package tracking web site, and it apparently got its information, or lack thereof, from the USPS web site. It said still in Miami.
* Just now, the web says it's still in Miami.

I suggested to the buyer that he file a claim via PayPal as that would be for the full amount, rather than the less than full value insurance because I did not pay extra to insure for full value. And he can do that now. Also, hopefully, PayPal will have more leverage / clout / ability to resolve the situation than we mere mortals. I admire the buyer's considerable patience.

A friend says that I should have shipped via parcelmonkey.com, which would have been cheaper and faster.

This really should not have been this hard. And you can guess the excuse/reason, a certain world-wide virus...

Any further suggestions, other than waiting?
Not to Europe, but a similar experience.

I had a very similar experience when I bought some Dynon stuff off a VAFer here around April. Foolishly (I now realise!) I asked it to be sent USPS as that's generally been the cheapest way to get things to Australia, but this package spent 2 months on layover in Miami. It was insured, so I guess if it never turned up I could get my money back, however I've since switched to asking for shipping via UPS, and had packages from Digi-Key or Spruce turn up in 4-5 days.
This really should not have been this hard. And you can guess the excuse/reason, a certain world-wide virus...

The slow mail has nothing to do with the virus because the virus has been here over half a year and the mail never slowed down. The slow down is happening now just months away from November 3....yet some people will vote to continue the slow mail. I've never understood why people vote against their own interests.
BTW, if anyone needs to put a plane into a container and ship it to Europe, Arlie Conner has done it a few times from Texas to Germany and has it down to a science with not even a scratch on any of the surfaces. It's not as simple as you would think so better to go with someone you know has done it successfully.
What you're finding is the new standard for USPS international. Just don't do it. We ship to international customers almost weekly. USPS used to work pretty well, but since covid, it is definitely the wrong method. We're now only using our commercial DHL acct unless the customer requires otherwise. It just isn't worth the hassle to even attempt USPS for international right now.

What you're finding is the new standard for USPS international. Just don't do it. We ship to international customers almost weekly. USPS used to work pretty well, but since covid, it is definitely the wrong method. We're now only using our commercial DHL acct unless the customer requires otherwise. It just isn't worth the hassle to even attempt USPS for international right now.
That's a real shame. I've been using USPS to ship to Europe for almost 30 years and I have never lost a package. Last shipment from Texas to me a month or so ago did take a bit longer, but it arrived.

I hope we can get this fixed.
Based on my experience from Australia to the US, your package will make considerable progress, literally overnight. It could be just two days away from delivery. But it all boils down to WHEN it will actually move... But sitting "forever" at some customs clearing station is the norm right now.
Ed---how about shipping to Hong Kong---literally making 3 round trips between Ft Lauderdale and Inchon, before finally making it to Hong Kong, before it sat for about 20 days.

We have since stopped using USPS for international, and use FED EX---AND bite the missle--not the bullet---on the costs. And you can actually track it.

Shipping these days is unbelieveable.

Being on the receiving end of things the past few months I have found UPS to be the most consistent. Either zero delays or their tracking system shows correctly the what/where of the delay.
FedEx seems to take inordinately long to deliver anything and their tracking system is not exactly what I would call accurate. For example, I am currently waiting on the arrival of a package that said delivery was attempted Sunday (riiiiiiiiiiight) but nobody was home. Too bad there was somebody here all day Sunday and nobody came to the house. The email went on to say the package would be delivered the next business day. Here we are three business days later, I still don't have it and it has said "out for delivery" every day. This isn't a new thing either. Given a choice I would prefer to receive shipments from UPS, USPS and FedEx last and don't even get me started on whoever it is that Chewy uses to ship things. They are completely incompetent. Throw on to that the fun of crossing an international border and I can only imagine the fun that ensues.
Yep, we've done a bit of shipping to Europe the past few months, as we sell off stuff from the family early-to-mid-20th-century hoard of collectibles on eBay. Buyers are mostly understanding of the delays. So much so, that I stopped worrying about it, and only look to see what's what if someone asks. Much easier on the soul!

The buyers are usually glad that we ship direct via USPS, even with the delay, as the whole eBay international parcel thing where you ship it to Kentucky for further forwarding is supposedly REALLY painful on the receiving end.
Caught between two evils !

USPS usually has arrangements with the national postal services at foreign destination, hence no high charges etc. Problem is, if it takes 2 months to arrive, what is the point ? I have used them several times without issue, just recently, my buddy lost a consignment - stuck indefinitely at a US depot.

Perhaps time for you guys to lobby your Senator or whoever and get it investigated. I bet it will be a change by some jobsworth at USPS who hasn't realised the consequences rather than be affected by the alleged virus or Trumpington's meddling ;)