
Well Known Member
Is anyone having issues getting orders filled from Dallas Avionics? I placed an order almost a month ago for a Uavionix Echo ads-b and still waiting. Multiple phone calls/emails but the answer is always the same..."will be shipping any day now". I'm getting concerned....curious if others are having a similar experience?
I don't know the company, but would be concerned about waiting too long. The credit card companies have a time-limit to file a claim. Not saying it will go that way, but CYA. Unless it was a great deal, I would cancel and order elsewhere.
You might call uAvionix and see if they are shipping product to retailers. The question is who's the hold-up? Dallas Avionics or uAvionix.

Also, you could go ahead and cancel the order and place it with someone else. You have another year before you need ADSB.
My only experience with Dallas Avionics was back in 2017 when they got hit by the same NavWorx boondoggle as the NavWorx customers. They were great to work with and really earned my respect for creating an upgrade path for existing NavWorx owners to get an echo UAT at a discount. This isn't something they had to do. NavWorx' demise wasn't Dallas' fault. Dallas took the biggest financial hit of all the parties involved and ate a shelf of NavWorx inventory. But having been a NavWorx distributor Dallas felt the need to help and support end users with the upgrade program. I took them up on it.

I will say one of the best ways to check with them is by telephone. As a wholesaler and distributor and small closely held business they are better on the phone than on the internet. They also don't constantly keep you updated with automated status emails etc.

I will throw one more kudo in for Dallas. At the experimental avionics training classes at the AEA Dallas supports those efforts with some of the tools provided. The proceeds from those classes are donated to scholarships.

Call them and give them a chance. A real supportive supplier on the phone.

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Thanks everyone for the thoughts/suggestions. Yes, I've made multiple calls and have gotten the same answer each time "shipping any day now". Sounds like many have had a good experience with Dallas....just wish I could say the same. Will probably cancel the order with Dallas and re-order elsewhere.

Thanks again, Mike