
Active Member
New builder here - and my -9 tail kit just arrived! I'm stoked. But, into each life some rain etc., and a couple of items were bent in transit. I'll talk with Vans to see if replacements will be needed, but wanted to get the community opinion as well.

First, both elevator skins (because they were nested together inside the box) picked up a hand-size crease almost in the middle of the skin. It's not real deep or too sharp, might even be work-outable, but I'm sort of bummed to see it, and if I go polish-not-paint like I'm thinking, it'll always be visible. I'm not sure if it's on the top or bottom though - I need to look again - and if it's on the bottom I might be happier about letting it slide.

The other item is the vertical stab root rib, which got banged up a little on one corner, bending the flanges a bit. It's not cosmetic, doesn't look that bad, and I'd be happy to straighten it out and use it once I'm sure it won't be a structural issue.

A couple of photos. It's hard to see the creased skin - hard to photograph really - but it gives an idea.


shipping damage

The rib flange should staighten out OK and will be fine, nothing to worry about. But the creases in the elevator skins don't look too good in the photo, I don't think many builders would want to start out using a damaged part like that, and creases can be difficult to satisfactorily remove. I'm sure Vans will help sort it out.
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I completely agree, you're building a new airplane no sense in starting with damaged parts. I'm sure the rib will straighten out ok.
Shipping damage

Replace the skins and the vertical stab root rib. Maybe it’s the just photo angle but the top left bent metal looks like it also has cracks at the base where it bent.
Vans will make it right. You should definitely expect them to provide new skins, and since that's happening anyway, it's not a hardship to throw a new rib in the same box.
Definitely replace the skin, it will take a lot of work + buffing to fix it and there's really no reason to do that. The rib you can bend back into place but definitely make sure there's no cracks from shearing or excessive bending from whatever hit it. If so, definitely replace also.
Yep, the rib flange will be fine - skins need replacement. You'll never get them to look right.

I disagree a little. Yes the rib would probably be fine but, we pay a lot for these kits and should expect everything to arrive intact. Replace everything.
I agree with Larry. You paid for a complete, unmolested kit. I'd ask for any damaged or missing items to be replaced. Vans has always been great with me about post-sale service. You have enough deliberate metal bending ahead of you as it is.
I agree with both Larry and Ryan. We pay for undamaged parts and that’s what we should get. In my experience with Vans, I’d think they’ll replace the skins and the rib with no questions asked.
You paid for new parts.

The shipping service has insurance. Insurance pays for the replacement. You get new parts.

Vans gets more business.

The shipper gets a "ding" from Vans and their insurance company and will have to do better or loose Vans business and get higher insurance rates. Either way they improve or get weeded out of the system.

Everyone benefits.
Thank everyone! You've verified what I was thinking, it does feel reasonable to expect undamaged new parts. I'll contact Vans and get it started (and try to get better pics), fortunately there's plenty of other work to do in the meantime. Probably go through and carefully re-inventory to look for other damages too, I tore through those boxes like a kid on Christmas morning. At least I get to start off with a few bits of scrap sheet to practice on, right? :D
You should expect undamaged parts however the damage to the rib is so minor I would use it if there is any chance of holding up your progress. Van's is backed up these days. You will likely do similar damage if not more with the use of your deburring wheel.:D
Doing a good inventory is critical! Take a moment after you open the crate and look around to set up a good place to check the parts list against the parts and bags.

I didn't spend too much time looking in the bags or counting fasteners, and it bit me down the road when some small items were missing.

Seems like the paperwork in the shipment says "no claims for missing parts after 30 days" or something like that.

Contact Vans right away with any issues, they've been great standing behind their products.
I see a crack in the rib flange. Maybe it's just the resolution, but sure looks like the flange is starting to separate. For the price of the rib, have it replaced.

Even if it is cracked, it's repairable. For a $10 or $15 part, it's not worth the time or effort.
Also agree, new parts only. You wouldn't accept any kit item pre damaged from a simple chair to a plane so hopefully Vans do the right thing -)
I'm curious

I agree that no damage is acceptable. So along that same line, how many folks are going to take the $2000 for a corroded QB kit? Personally, I wouldn't get anywhere near one, but I'm guessing some will for the $$$ and the availability.