
Well Known Member
I am buying an engine listed here on VAF and was wondering what shipping options people have used. The best quote with insurance is with engineshipping.com. I've gotten online quotes from the major freight players(UPS, FEDEX, etc} but wanted to see if anyone had any other ideas. I was tempted to drive the 13 hours one way to pick it up but the wife says that's a lot of driving.
It is a lot of driving - but it's also a spendy bit of hardware and I kinda like to see new countryside. Your mileage may vary.
Since it's a 13 hour drive, I say pick it up yourself. That's not really a terribly long distance.

When I purchased my used Lycoming 0-320 engine a few years back, I had to drive from North Carolina to Utah to get it. I spoke with my boss at the time, and he needed some help for a couple of weeks out in California (where he lives), so I talked him in to paying for my gas if I drove out to help him for the two weeks...I just didn't tell him I was going to drive my GIANT V-8-powered VAN out to California to help him (he assumed I was going to drive my 35 mpg-plus highway Ford Focus) ;)

Anyway, drove out to California, helped the boss out, picked up the engine on the way back to North Carolina, boss paid for my fuel for helping him - true to his word. :D
Dwranda ive used uship.com to ship 2 aircraft for me and both arrived in excellent shape.

I used a buddy's commercial location/rate to ship an engine to Atlanta from Central Florida. $100 or thereabouts. You might ask around in your circle of friends to see if you can find a similar arrangement.
My RV-10 engine was shipped by Old Dominion. I picked it up at the freight terminal to save some money. The wood crate was damaged but thankfully the engine was OK. 13 hour drive? I think I would do it. Besides,,,that's a high dollar item and I think I would want to inspect it in person. Maybe the seller would meet you half way?
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You might look into Fastenal locations, they will ship from one store location to another. Not sure about insurance side.
Have you looked at flying it? If you have a friend with a Cherokee 6/Lance/Saratoga it will fit in the back pretty easy. You could probably get it into a 182 as well.

A long time ago (man, I'm old!) my parents rented a Cherokee 180 for their honeymoon and flew it to Florida. There they "just happened" to run into an airboat guy selling a 165 Warner that just happened to fit on my Dad's Meyers OTW. My mom rolled her eyes and wrote the check. They took it apart and put it in the back of the Cherokee for the ride home. The Warner is not a small/light engine.

Thanks everyone for the replies. Unfortunately my schedule isn't allowing me to go pick it up. I would have loved to had some Memphis BBQ. The seller of the engine is a certified BBQ judge so he could have pointed out the best BBQ in the area.
The cheapest shipping was YRC by far. Adding insurance on it quadrupled the price however. Ended up choosing engineshipping.com which is what we used when I had my propeller shipped to me. It was the cheapest with full insurance. Looking forward to seeing my new engine next week!!!