
Well Known Member
Doug, I am enjoyng your liturgies on RV Talk and thought you might like to know that someone is listening, but I am sure the stats will let you know.

Anyhow, I haven't had a shiner since I was in Houston about 2 years ago! It brought back some memories! Sounds like you know how to live!


Charlie Sheen is a riot! We watch that show often, as well!

Here's hoping Flash ran well for you again! I am sure...

I will phone in a message regarding our shindig here at Plymouth, MA this year and maybe something of value in the meanwhile.

Keep up the good work!

:cool: CJ
Thanks CJ,

A good night's sleep and an early dawn formation practice got the day off to a great start. Me (lead), Scorch (2), Monkey (3) and Sky (4) had a good workout and enjoyed one of the better sunrises in the past few months. The sky was absolutely blood red for a few moments right before the sun broke the surface.

I took (106) pictures and a few of them will be on tomorrow (and one or two might make the March wallpaper calendar).

As Scorch says, "This is NOT a normal hobby."
