
I'm New Here
Hello All

I hate to bring up an old subject that has been discussed in length already. But I have been fighting some leg shimmy for a while now on my -6. I have, and have tried the following:
-No gear stiffeners(removed them after I repaired motor mount cracks)
-Flight Custom 3, 6ply tires
-Psi from 25 up to 50(much worse with high pressure)
-Tires new in 2015 with 200hrs
-Recently rotated on the rims(shimmy before and after)

Now my question. While balancing them the other day I noticed that they were significantly out of round. And required a lot of weight on one tire. The flat spots seemed to be the side that had been sitting on the ground for the past couple days. Is this a normal out of round condition? Will new tires also flat spot as these do when they sit for a couple of days? Or does this warrant replacement? They have a fair amount of life left on them and would hate to throw away expensive tires. I appreciate any opinions.
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WE use 40 psi. Good compromise between high and low.
Low will lead to flats!
Yes the tires will get flat spots from sitting and take a little taxing to smooth out. Seems like you should take the wheel assembly off the plane and let it round out before balancing.
Some tires need lots of weight to balance.
Good luck.
Thanks for the psi recommendation but I have tried the 40 psi range. Anything above 30psi makes the shimmy much worse. Maybe I should pull the wheels and let the tires (round out) for a while and then try to balance again.
1. Check the bolts that hold the axel to the gear leg for proper torque. They will loosen over the years and may need new hardware.
2. Check for play where the gear leg slips into engine mount.
3. Check bolt & nut for proper torque where gear leg is bolted to engine mount.
I just reamed the gear leg mounting bolts up to an oversized NAS to remove the play I had there. But I have not checked the axle mounting bolts. That?s a great idea that I have overlooked. I will check that too. Thanks