
Well Known Member
RVers and wannabe's,

This coming weekend Sheppard AFB, TX is having their annual airshow. Included will be the F-22 demo, the Super F-18 demo, the B-2 demo, the F-117 demo as well as civilian flying demos. Anyone interested in attending can fly into F14 (Wichita Valley Airport) and park there and drive over to Sheppard for the show. Gas at F14 is $3.59.

Anyone interested in overnighting Friday night will be invited to the Sheppard O'Club for the before show party....let me know if coming!

Hope to see ya!
Think there will be any of Van's aircraft there? I'm right across from the Wichita Valley airport, but this is the weekend I promised my girlfriend I'd fix her house, and she lives out of town. Decisions, decisions....I may try to get out of the house project, but haven't came up with a good enough excuse yet. Saying I want to go to an air show isn't going to cut it. :D

Not sure...

Can't vouch for the Sheppard air show for sure but there will be a herd of Van's planes at Wichita Valley. My old Rocket is coming to town ans well as my father in laws new Super Fastback RV-8 as well as the usual bunch that is already parked there....should be fun no matter what. I would be remiss to give advice concerning anyone's girlfriend matters BUT...I do have a TRUE story:

I had landed at Tucumcari airport a couple years ago to get some gas in my Rocket. As the line guy was getting the pump ready I commented, "Hey, that is a nice Super Cub over there!" There was a Super Cub parked outside of this hanger. The line guy said it was his. He then said it had caused a rift between him and his girlfriend, she saying it was a money pit and had siphoned funds that could have been spent on her. She then had given him an ultimatum...."It is that Super Cub or me!" Then the line guys said, "You know, I thought a lot about that, I mean, I really loved my girlfriend, but you know what, it's mighty hard to find a good Super Cub!"

Let your conscious be your guide!

Well, that does it then! Gosh, I was hoping you would say there would be no Van?s aircraft there, my decision would have been much easier then. I can probably skip Sheppard, but I can?t skip that many RV?s just walking distance from my place. Nosirree! Great story about the man and his Super Cub, btw, and I bet that has happened many a times. I hope not to be added to that list. :) I?m sure I can just delay her house project a day or two, she?ll understand.

Do you know when you and most others will be at WV. I suppose it will be mostly Saturday and after the Sheppard airshow? Any rough time frame? I?ll c-ya there, and will probably be bringing quite a few to this if I get them all rounded up. Saturday, early afternoon will be perfect for most of us.

I had planned on flying up and going to the show, but found out my daughter's High School band UIL marching competition is the same day. It's at Memorial Stadium in Wichita Falls, and she performs at 4:30pm.
If only life was easy...

Marching bands and girlfriends....ahhhhh yes, life is complicated.

I'd guess,for planning purposes, most my RV buds are flying in to F14 Friday afternoon....we may end up back there for some tasty beverage activites later Friday evening after the O'Club.

Saturday morning 0800ish we are getting back together to do some formation flying. I will be leading with my YAK 50 with RVs on my wings and doing some formation over Wichita Falls leading over to the base and then making noise. All to get people in town to see there is some flying going on. And yes, this is sanctioned by Sheppard AFB. Then we are doing the show and some are leaving that evening after the show.

We can probably coordinate some transpo between F14 and SPS for the show.

Good luck with your delimas!

Wichita Falls Inquiry

Have any of you guys been in to Kickapoo Airport lately? We are going up Saturday a.m., and was wondering what kind of shape it is in.

We have students participating at Memorial Stadium on Saturday and were planning to fly up.

I've been to Kickapoo, but it's been a few months back. Were you going to try and get a courtesy car? I've thought about flying up there and trying to grab a car to get to Memorial. What time does your group march? Maybe we can hook up for lunch or something?

Sure wish I had a free weekend, I'd convince dad do let me take the -182 for the weekend. :p

Have fun!
Weekends are never 'free'

Too bad Brad....maybe next year?

As far as Kickapoo, great condition and now even has an AWOS. Gas is pricey but they are 'full service'. Besides 'Monica' is the boss there and she is cool!

Hope it works out for you guys!