
Well Known Member
4 months have past painfully slowly as we have converted a FADEC machine to standard dual light speed and fuel injection. I noticed that the avgas smells like old turpentine which to me has expired.
Any idea what the life expectancy of avgas is and should I drain and dispose of the existing fuel or continue to use it while doing ground testing?
4 months have past painfully slowly as we have converted a FADEC machine to standard dual light speed and fuel injection. I noticed that the avgas smells like old turpentine which to me has expired.
Any idea what the life expectancy of avgas is and should I drain and dispose of the existing fuel or continue to use it while doing ground testing?

The following is copy / paste from the link that follows:
The short answer is that, under most conditions, the shelf life of avgas is about one year. If you are a commercial operator, this is the end of the discussion.

Another link that says the same thing.
In the real world

In the real world as long as the the conatiner is sealed, as long as it is not exposed to UV which is what can causes the cross polimerisation or "gumming" as EAA puts it, and as long as it is kept relatively cool then you will be OK for even 2 years.

If your keeping it in an open glass jar, on the end of a tarmac witht eh weather being 108 then I don't think that would last even 4 months.

As a hint, if you don't have Nitrogen you can blow carbon dioxide into the container, if you have it some where in a relatively pure form ie bar keg bottle.

its heavier then Oxygen and is really unreactive. It will give you a good low oxidation buffer.