Mr Charles

Well Known Member
I am upgrading and rewiring my beloved 4 (bought in 07, modified and customized ever since LOL) and need some advice/info/education regarding shielding/grounding. I have a partial understanding of some shielding concepts from researching and Aeroelectric Connection, etc, but am stuck now that it is time to hook up some wires!

In particular, I have an Aeroflash single strobe power supply, with a toggle switch in the "bank of toggles" common to 4's along the starboard fuselage. I will have an avionics ground bus near the Dynon intercom (or Skyview display), and a single point grounding bus at the firewall for several non avionics items.
In order to minimize noise, I am wanting to shield the wiring for the strobe power supply. Here are the choices/decisions I am facing and questions I have...

1. Single sheilded supply wire from toggle to strobe, power supply ground to airframe at mounting. If I do this, where do I terminate the shield wire? One end only and at mounting location/ground point on airframe? If I need to shield at the toggle end, then how do I do that as the toggle location is 2 feet from the firewall ground bus?

2. Single sheilded supply wire from toggle to strobe, power supply ground returned to firewall grounding bus. If so, then same question as above regarding shield termination.

3. Two conductor shielded wires to power supply. If wired as in number 2 above, wouldn't the return electron flow in the unshielded ground be a source of noise? (I know, I know...flow is actually from neg to postive) So is it best to shield both wires?
If shielding both wires, how do I hook it all up? I assume the 2 conductor shielded would have to run to the toggle, then somehow break out one wire for the positive, then the shield and ground wire would need to continue to the firewall grounding bus? Or do I ground the shield only at the strobe power supply location, run the 2 conductor to the toggle, then an unshielded ground wire on up to the firewall ground bus?

Thanks in advance...
I would use option 3 with the shield grounded at the strobe power supply. Ideally, shields are grounded at the source of the potential EMI/noise.