HAL Pilot

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Aloha All

Fig 1 step 1, on 09-10 tells us to dimple the E-1022 Shear clip.

I just can not find where it tells us to dimple the corresponding close out tab holes, and at what point those holes are riveted.

Thanks so much for your help

You put in blind rivets in step 13 on page 9-23. You use a blind river, so dimpling the close out tabs is not required. (MED: This is incorrect - dimple them).
If you have one, you should dimple the shear clip with a 120 degree dimple die.
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Good Question

I can't find where the plans say to dimple either. However, look at page9-23, step 13. It refers you to figure 1, pg 9-22. It calls for three (flush) CS4-4 blind rivets. So dimpling would be required on the close-out tabs of the skin as well as the shear clips. I hope that's correct...that's what I did:)
I don't see where it says to dimple the rear-most hole in the close-out tab for the blind rivet, but it seems like that would be a good idea. Perhaps, the close-out tab skin is thin enough that dimpling is not required as it was for the shear clip.

You dimple the shear clip in step 1 on page 9-10.
I dimpled those holes. They get flush riveted so they won't interfere with the trim tab.
All three holes in the closeout tabs should be dimple countersunk. The fwd two, to receive the dimples in the shear clip, and the aft one for the for the flush rivet.

A future plans revision will address this.

Maybe a Mod. could move this thread over to the plan gotchas thread?
Thanks, Scott. I just called builder assistance and Sterling told me the same thing. He also said that whenever a flush rivet is to be installed, the skin should be dimpled. The skin is never "thin enough" as I misstated in an earlier comment.:rolleyes:
So what happens when you dont dimple as per the plans.... any help would be appreciated. Im not pulling this thing apart again. Argh,