
Long time lurker may become new builder! Wife-pilot says "yes" to building a 12. Yay! But.....she'd really like to score a demo ride at OSH just to be extradoubbly sure it's a superior replacement for her beloved C-150 (We all know the obvious answer to that. But wives will be wives...)

Anyone have an idea if Vans will be demo-ing the 12 at OSH? If so, how quickly does the sign-up list fill up? Can one sign up early (Sat or Sun before the show starts)? Any advice is appreciated.

Thanks, all!
From Van's web site:

No reservations accepted prior to the show.
Visit us at our booth to sign up.
I thought you at least needed a student certificate. I think if you already have a ticket, you are good to go.
If she's flying a C-150 she probably has a medical. But, why would you need a medical for a plane that doesn't require one? I suspect that many buying -12's and other LSA's are downgrading and no longer have medicals. These are legitimate buyers and they need a demo. Is this a policy to separate the serious from the tire kickers? Maybe an insurance thing? Or an Airventure requirement?
If she's flying a C-150 she probably has a medical. But, why would you need a medical for a plane that doesn't require one? I suspect that many buying -12's and other LSA's are downgrading and no longer have medicals. These are legitimate buyers and they need a demo. Is this a policy to separate the serious from the tire kickers? Maybe an insurance thing? Or an Airventure requirement?

From the web site (In addition to what Paul already posted regarding policys at Fly-ins/Airshows)




Van’s Aircraft gladly offers a demonstration ride to a potential customer who meets the following qualifications.

1. Hold at least a STUDENT PILOT’S LICENSE.
2. Have never previously flown in an RV.
3. Be at least 18 years of age.

Tours start twice a day at 9:00 AM and 2:00 PM
Monday through Friday.

Demo Ride

Last year on Monday morning I was at Van's tent at 5:45 AM to sign up. I was second in line. Within 15 to 20 minutes there were probably 15 other guys in line. Don't exatcly remember but I think they opened the tent about 7:30 or 8:00 AM. Got my demo ride the next day.;);)
Sign up early

My wife and I, staying in the dorms, were not able to get in line before the main gate guards opened things up--I believe that was at 9:00 AM. We ran to the Vans booth as fast as our little legs could carry us, and my wife got scheduled for a Thursday AM flight--the only day that it was generally overcast and miserable. We stuck around, and they eventually got up, and, with the help of a few no-shows, she was able to get her demo flight in, returning 20 minutes later with the RV grin. Consequently, I was given permission to build her a plane. (My wife is the pilot--as someone stated, the "ultimate autopilot".)
My other half recently gave the thumbs up to an -8 project. Just to cement her enthusiasm I bought her the toolbox project when I got my preview plans. :)
Osh Demo Ride

I was rght behind you in line last year (#3 for the RV12 Ride). Get there early if you want the ride. They only sign up 3 for the following day.


Last year on Monday morning I was at Van's tent at 5:45 AM to sign up. I was second in line. Within 15 to 20 minutes there were probably 15 other guys in line. Don't exatcly remember but I think they opened the tent about 7:30 or 8:00 AM. Got my demo ride the next day.;);)
other rv rides

Hi all,
I've been lurking for several months and enjoying all the oshkosh discussions lately. I joined EAA a few weeks ago; I have not yet become a student pilot, but have been bitten by the RV bug. This is my first visit to Oshkosh after years of putting it off (family obligations overrode my playtime), and am arriving on Saturday and pitching a tent at camp Scholler to enjoy maximum immersion in the show. I plan to spend a lot of time at the Van's tent and among all the RV's at the show.

since I'm not yet a student pilot, are there any other ways to get a ride in an RV-7 at oshkosh?

Bob Kartman