Luke, that is fantastic. I think we have a convert.
It looks like absolutely beautiful country to fly in.
Well done

That was fantastic, you make some great videos. She is hooked I am sure, she will be ordering a kit soon I bet!

My wife watched this vid with me, then turned and said, "Get your a$$ out there and finish that plane!"

Well done, Luca. :cool:
Fun Fun Fun

I loved your video and musical background.

This video and others like Haleybatics I & II clearly demonstrate the incredible visibility enjoyed by RV-8 pilots and passengers!
Thanks for the fun.

Great stuff.

Always enjoy your videos buddy. Means even more to me knowing that I've visited you in that beautiful place.

Thanks and keep em coming.
She is hooked!

Way to go buddy, nice intro for her and not bad pilotage either. Cant wait to finish this -7 and try some of those barrel rolls.
bravo, molto bienne, or some thing like that. all that was missing for me is her italian voice comments. how about an interview from her standing around the plane. we want more! she is a star. :rolleyes:

Nice video.

You seriously need a booster cushion for your smaller passengers!

Ciao Luca, you got me excited. Can't wait to log a couple hours working on my project on X-mas eve. My new years resolution: get this bird in the air in 2015!

Buon Natale!