
That was fast. I mean the duration of your project. I remember seeing your bird damaged by fire I could not imagine you could finish her in such an elegant way. Who did the paint job?
I did

I was really nervous about painting. I never really painted anything before, just rattle cans on small stuff. But she turned out ok.

P.S. It wasn't fast. The fixup after the fire was 2 1/2 years. Though it wasn't painted before the fire so the painting was in addition. It took me a year just in paint. I'm slow.
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Congrats on the maiden flight. I too really like the scheme and may "borrow" it or some aspect of it. Someone said it was in a fire, i'd like to see the before pictures of it.


Boy do you get the award for perseverence and a beutiful comeback!! The pix after the fire are heartwrenching, but your work was beautiful and magnificent. Way to go!!

Congrats on the flight, and nice paint!! :)

You gonna name 'er "The Phoenix"? :D
