
Well Known Member
After three years my RV-12 finally took to the sky today. To say I was nervous would be an understatement.
I'd like to thank everyone on here for the help (whether directly or indirectly) for all those times when things didn't go to plan.

The LAA test flight procedures still have to be completed, so there is a while yet before I get to fly it, but after the initial flight the response from the test pilot was that 'it's a good'un' :D

Just need to adjust the tick-over and stall warner for the next flight (whenever that might be with the UK weather).

Minor issues were some grey areas on the EFIS scales (presumably this is down to gaps in the config files), very quiet headset audio when transmitting using PTT switch (own voice is barely audible in headsets but fine in the tower and ok when not transmitting). Slight tendency to turn on the ground, straight and level in flight with only pilot on board and slight turn to starboard with added observer (expected).

I'm looking forward to flying as observer/note taker for the rest of the test flights.
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What a great feeling! I think "She flies!" is exactly what I said to myself on my first takeoff.
Jim, Impressive recognition from that far away, it is a great field for test flights when they aren't dropping meat bombs :D

Gagarin737, I plan on looking at the 'issues' over the next week, the weather is supposed to be rubbish for flying anyway, but I will need to get out the manuals to see what adjustments are available for this (software or pot). I have a PilotAware I was going to fit so if it is the screwdriver I may do that while I have the cover off.

For tonight though, I decided on a beer and some TV instead as a reward.
The first film I came across tonight was Sully, this was followed by Apollo 13.
Can't beat that, a beer and general feeling of smugness for a good night in :D
Congratulations :) nice job.
I am about 6 month away form first flight, so all success stories about maiden flights get my full attention.
Would love to join you at an experimental fly-in in the UK one day :)
Congratulations on your successful first flight. I hope you receive many hours of pleasure flying over the UK countryside with that "RV grin".
Well done!

Congrats from the oldest RV12 in the UK, now in its 7th year (plus 10 days)...

From the longest UK build so far. A few health issues along the way but hopefully this year.