
Well Known Member

Well, after 4 years ,2 months, and 18 days the little yeller bird left the nest to check out the view from aloft.... and she liked it :)

It was a typical Ottawa winter day; wind howling from the west, -3 C, ocassional snow showers and low cielings but she did not complain at all. Climbed up to 3000' AGL, did a few orbits, seen 165 Kts @ 2500 rpm with no pants, slow flight at 70 Kts, and then landed after a 22 minute flight.

She is gonna be a performer!!! Now that the first flight is out of the way, the real test phase begins ;) And just maybe, if she behaves nicely, a little bit of trim will be added !

Videos can be seen at the link in my signature.
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Way to go Ken! That is great news. Hopefully the weather will cooperate so you can get a bunch of testing done this month.

What's with the "BS" at the end of your registration? Are you making some kind of statement, or did Transport assign that to you to pay you back for previous sins?

Way to go Ken!

I was wondering if today was going to be the big day. Looking forward to joining you in the spring!
Way to go Ken! It only gets better from here. Look forward to meeting you at OSH sometime.

Good job Ken! I'm hoping to follow this spring.
Like the paint. It's one of my options.
Glad you found a day to fly with all the cr**** weather we get at this time of year.
Good luck.
Awesome, Ken!

We are going to have a squadron of -8's around here soon. Yours, mine, Kevin's, Bill's 8A, Chris Hepburn will be done in the spring, and Normand is coming along.

Who did your final inspection?
Thanks for all the well wishes :)

The paint is Shell Yellow and I will get the paint code for those that are interested. Graphics will be done in vinyl and I am still thinking of ideas to compliment the basic color.... maybe a winking piggy with wings and a curly tail for the nose art :)

No trouble with TC that I am aware of ;) 'GBS' was the old man's initials and seemed like a fitting tribute to him.

Pierre Fournier from Montreal ended up doing the final inspection. As you Ottawa RV'ators know, the local inspectors are getting few and far between.

Get her done Chris and we can soon have a five ship ! Who's gonna be the first to put in smoke........