How many different people have you given rides to?

  • 0-10

    Votes: 24 27.0%
  • 11 - 25

    Votes: 34 38.2%
  • 26 - 50

    Votes: 9 10.1%
  • 50+

    Votes: 22 24.7%

  • Total voters


Legacy Member
Sunday I gave a ride to another -9 builder, his wife, and a -10 builder.

In the 44 hours since Phase I was finished N941WR has given rides to 24 different people.

How many different people have you given rides to?
Rides given

How many different people have you given rides to?

Hi Bill,

You really should have two questions here, 1) How many people have you given rides to? and, 2) How many "different" people have we given rides?

Well, being honest, of the 63 people I've given rides to, about 6 of them I'd classify as being different:D

Sorry, couldn't help but to play with the wording!!!
There are still a few in our flying community who haven't flown with me, but I'm working on it!

Anyway, we just got back from our first RV date. My wife had flown with me once before but it was a short local flight. Today, we flew about 85 miles to LZU, near ATL for a $100 hamburger at the airport restaurant. It was her third ever flight in a small plane and she did great.
We stayed above the scattered clouds and listened to the latin music xm station. :)

Bright sun, puffy clouds, merengue beats, pass the Appleton!!
I've given rides to:

  • 8ish potential RV builders (from eaa 20, the norcal list or this website)
  • 8ish folks at Burning Man International Airport (3 of these pax were naked ;) )
  • 6ish young eagles - The RV only carries one, so the scheduler knows that the 'regular' kids who want to fly in something special should get this plane
  • 3 tower controllers from my local airport
  • 10 coworkers
  • 10 friends
  • 4 line people
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May I...

........count transition trainees?:) If so, around 80. If not, around 35. Sadly not enough mini-skirted beauties....:D got lotsa promises though!

RV's are babe magnets,no?
Pierre rocks

Pierre gave a RV ride to my GF... you shoulda seen the smile on her face when she got back... I hope she still wants to marry me instead of Pierre.....
As of about two years ago, the number was 88 unique people. I haven't added the last two year's worth, but will.

I mark the person's name in my logbook, and I'm sure I missed a few.

Sharing RV's is one of life's great pleasures!

In 177 hours I have given rides to 25 people, the most memorable of which was my 85 year-old father who payed for my private ticket so many years ago. That one left a pretty good lump in both our throats.

Pierre gave a RV ride to my GF... you shoulda seen the smile on her face when she got back... I hope she still wants to marry me instead of Pierre.....
....Yeah, one of the sexiest women I've ever had in the RV....if you don't marry her, I, wait, I'm married now:eek:

Bring me another please:)
Sunday I gave a ride to another -9 builder, his wife, and a -10 builder.

In the 44 hours since Phase I was finished N941WR has given rides to 24 different people.

How many different people have you given rides to?


My wife and I would like to thank you again. She still goes on about "...that's the first RV I've ever been in." She loved it, and that's a good thing for me. She and I both know it won't be the last ride she takes in an RV.
N941WR;178995 How many different people have you given rides to?[/QUOTE said:
When I went for a hop with Terry Jantzi years ago he said that I was the
165th unique individual he had taken for a ride. He had a list...

Thanks again Terry!
I've given rides to:

  • 8ish folks at Burning Man International Airport (3 of these pax were naked

Kevin, this is so disturbing that I feel like I need to have the seats in my plane cleaned. :eek: I just read your post to Sherri and we both had fun with this. Thanks for the laugh and take care,
Shameless post hijack

Let me get right to the point. I'd love to be able to add to someone's number here.

A little history, I visited Van's place in the summer of '91 and bought the video. But I've never had the opportunity to go up in one. I told myself I'd not to even accept a ride in one until obtaining a PP certificate. Well that's done.

Everything is finally in place to start construction on one, probably a 7. And while I doubt anyone has ever gone up in one and then decided not to build, I'd still like a ride before I place that order.

I live in Dallas, and do most of my flying out of Hidden Valley.
