
Well Known Member
Fellow members:

Just want to put a plug in for a service that PainterJohn (a fellow member in the forums) from provides.

For a reasonable fee, John will design a rendition of a color scheme for your RV and send it out to you via email. I had him do one for my 6A which will be painted this month, and after sending him my original ideas and pictures of schemes that I liked, he was able to come up with a great scheme for my RV.

If you feel like you are painted into a corner, so to speak, regarding making that final decision on your scheme, send John an email and see what he can come up with. Even if you think you have things decided, John can provide that professional touch that could set your scheme off from all the rest.

I have no affiliation with airbornekustomz or with John personally. Just wanted other builders to be aware of a great service that is available.

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